Networking event for PhD students

1. Hohenheimer Doktorandentag   [30.06.16]

Beyond the borders of one’s own subject: At the Doktorandentag, young academics of the University of Hohenheim give insights into their research.

New networking event for PhD students of all three faculties: The “1. Hohenheimer Doktorandentag” a day, dedicated to PhD students, is taking place on October 6th, 2016. Format: A multidisciplinary conference, during which PhD students provide an insight into their research. Own contributions can be submitted until July 24th.

Around 1,200 young academics currently pursue their PhD at the University of Hohenheim. They examine the adaptation of insects migrating from Southeast Asia to Europe, investigate individuals’ privacy behaviour in the digital era, or breed resistant seeds.

“In daily life at the university, PhD students often stay in the background. However, with their projects, they significantly contribute to the university’s research”, says Doris Teutsch, member of the Management Board of the Graduate Council. “The new PhD student day – the Doktorandentag - is meant to make their work visible. “

Networking and exchange

The Graduate Council and the newly established Graduate Academy jointly organize the event. It predominantly aims at networking and exchange of the young academics.

The focus lies on the PhD students‘ research. Therefore, the Doktorandentag has the format of a conference: Participants present their PhD projects in talks and poster sessions and learn about the topics of others.

“The idea of the Doktorandentag emerged from an assessment of the PhD students’ demands at the University of Hohenheim”, reports Doris Teutsch. “Many of them wished for networking and exchange of experiences with like-minded others. As it is often difficult to establish contact across institutes and faculties within their regular work routines, Graduate Academy and Graduate Council seek to provide a platform for such encounters.

Beiträge gesucht!

Bis zum 24. Juli 2016 können Promovierende Abstracts mit max. 200 Wörtern bzw. PDF-Dateien ihrer Poster einreichen, um aktiv am Doktorandentag teilzunehmen. Abstracts, Poster und Vorträge sind sowohl auf Deutsch als auch auf Englisch möglich.

Die Beiträge können auf der Homepage des Doktorandentags eingereicht werden.


The event starts with a Get-together in the evening of October 5th in the TMS. Here, PhD students have the opportunity to get to know each other and to smile about well-known and absurd aspects of PhD students’ daily lives while watching “PhD Movie 2 – still in grad school”.

The next day is all about their own research. In the morning and early afternoon, participants give short talks of 12 minutes about their PhD projects. As the audience will be multidisciplinary, the specific challenge and charm lies in presenting their own work to outsiders of their subject area in a comprehensible way.

Moreover, there will be a “Reuse your poster”-session. The idea: A lot of time and creativity is devoted to design posters for conferences. After their presentation, however, they end up in the offices’ corners or in some rarely frequented corridors of the university. At the Doktorandentag, these posters will receive a second stage.

The event ends with a panel discussion on an important topic for many PhD students: “career opportunities after graduation”. Panellists consist of postgraduates who pursued an academic career, started their own business, or took up a job in the private sector.

Participating in the Doktorandentag is free of charge. Beyond PhD students, also students, professors as well as academic staff are cordially invited to inform themselves about PhD projects at the University of Hohenheim.

Contributions wanted!

PhD students can submit abstracts of max. 200 words or pdf-files of their poster until July 24th, 2016. Abstracts, posters, and talks can be in English or German. The contributions are to be submitted on the homepage of the PhD student day.

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