50 online events (11-26 May)

Sustainability Weeks - Especially Now!  [12.05.20]

For the first time nationwide - and open to all: the student sustainability weeks at universities in Baden-Württemberg. Picture: © 2020 Sustainability Weeks @ BaWü universities - Powered by Customify.

Climate change, species extinction, marine litter - was that something people talked about? At the moment, the Covid-19 crisis seems to be overlaying a lot of things that were hotly debated a short while ago. The first state-wide Sustainability Weeks of the universities in Baden-Württemberg, which were initiated by Hohenheim students, were also on the verge of collapse for a moment. But is now not the best time to think about social change? The student organization team thought that it certainly is. And was even surprised at what can be achieved in a short time with combined forces. From 11 to 26 May, the digital alternative program offers 50 online workshops, lectures, discussions, and business games on the topic of sustainability. You can participate from the comfort of your couch.



Fridays for Future, global climate strike, crowds of people demonstrating that the climate crisis should finally be taken seriously: It seems a little as if it was all a long time ago. As if the problems that were at issue had somehow been pushed into the distance by the coronavirus. But this is a misconception.

"Climate change does not take a corona break. To see this, you really only have to watch the weather forecast. This year, too, there is the threat of devastating droughts in Germany and around the world," said Lisa Ketzer from AK Nachhaltigkeit at the University of Hohenheim and a student of the MSc. Environmental Protection and Agricultural Food Production. "Especially now, in the face of a crisis, we need to think about how we can prevent imminent catastrophes. Especially now, when billions of dollars are flowing into the economy, we need to discuss how the money can contribute to creating the urgently needed change towards more sustainability."



Joining forces for the digital alternative program

Skipping the sustainability weeks was therefore not an option for the student organization team. Nevertheless, the disappointment at the end of March was great. The major green event, into which so much heart and soul had already been put, cannot take place as planned: "The preparations have been going on for months. We had planned about 40 events on the Hohenheim campus alone. But then we said to ourselves: "Now more than ever!", reports Lisa.

In fact, the networking with the other universities through video conferences was even more intensive in the weeks that followed. Students from all over the country contributed their different technical, organizational, and content skills to put a digital alternative program on its feet by joining forces. "We are amazed at what has come out of this in such a short time," said the Hohenheim Master's student.


From food waste to climate policy


Vor Corona: Das Kern-Orga-Team der Nachhaltigkeitswochen.

Sustainable fashion, waste of life, climate policy, sustainability in everyday university life, etc. ...: Interested parties can choose from among 50 workshops, lectures, discussions, and business games that will take place between 11 and 26 May via ZOOM conference or Youtube livestream. Participation is free of charge and open to all interested parties. In some cases, prior registration is necessary. Some contributions are also available as videos on the event homepage.

"An advantage of the online formats: You can participate from anywhere in the world. This means that interested parties can really draw from the full range of the event," said Lisa Ketzer. "So if you want to know, for example, how the Studierendenwerk at the University of Applied Sciences in Mannheim intends to abolish disposable cups or what role sustainability plays for the High-Performance Computing Center at the University of Stuttgart, you don't have to travel all over the state."

Hohenheim actors are also contributing numerous program items. Among other things, climate researcher Prof. Dr. Volker Wulfmeyer, a member of the action group Scientists for Future, will report on current scientific findings on climate change and discuss what lessons can be learned from the coronavirus crisis (lecture "Climate Crisis" 11 May 20, 6 p.m.).


Universities as germ cells for change


Logo Wissenschaftsjahr 2020

Wie sieht die nachhaltige Wirtschaftsweise von morgen aus? Im Wissenschaftsjahr 2020 dreht sich alles um den Forschungsschwerpunkt der Uni Hohenheim: Bioökonomie. Die Uni präsentiert übers Jahr hinweg verschiedenste Aspekte.

Sustainability has been on the minds of students at the University of Hohenheim for generations. But what has been set in motion in the last year and a half is extraordinary: Green groups such as FRESH, Greening Hohenheim, AKÖ, Global Campus, and the AStA Environmental Department have networked with each other and in May 2019 proclaimed the first Hohenheim Sustainability Week with over 30 campus events.

"We wanted to bring the Sustainability Week International to Germany. Since December, the AK Nachhaltigkeit at the University of Hohenheim has been the first German member of the international network. At the same time, the 'Netzwerk n' with its regional format also supports the association of students throughout Baden-Württemberg. Since all universities are offering more and more events on the topic of sustainability, we suggested bundling these activities and setting up joint Sustainability Weeks for the first time in 2020," reported Anna Struth, co-initiator of AK Nachhaltigkeit at the University of Hohenheim and Master's student, MSc. Organic Agriculture and Food Systems.

The students' vision is to make universities into pioneers for social change: "The universities are actually predestined for this: On the one hand, research is being done here on important green innovations. On the other hand, there are many committed young people with good ideas who will soon be important decision-makers. However, we are still a long way from this ideal. At the big opening event on 11 May, we would like to discuss these ideas in detail following the impulse presentations," said Anna.


Text: Leonhardmair / Translation: Neudorfer

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Artikel zum Thema: Nachhaltigkeit | Corona | Wissenschaftsjahr