Prepare now: Application for flat-rate energy subsidy

200 € for students & doctoral candidates  [22.02.23]

[Translate to English:] Symbolbild: Envatoelements | axelbueckert

All students and doctoral candidates who were enrolled at the University of Hohenheim on 1.12.22 can receive a one-time payment of €200 from the federal government as a flat-rate energy subsidy. But beware: It is a bit complicated! Even though the application form is not expected to be activated until mid-March, it is important to take action now. The Online-Kurier summarises.

The University of Hohenheim also informed all students on 21.2.23 with a circular email on the topic. Further questions were answered by a federal website and an information hotline.

With the flat-rate energy subsidy of 200 €, the federal government relieves people in training. Bachelor's and Master's students as well as doctoral students and non-degree students (“Zeitstudierende”) are eligible to apply.

There are two requirements for the one-time payment: You must have been enrolled at the university on 1.12.22 and must also have had a place of residence in Germany at that time. For international students, the address at which they usually resided is decisive.

Auditing students and doctoral students who are not enrolled at the university cannot apply for an energy flat rate.

Antrag jetzt vorbereiten

Step 1: Proof of enrolment.

The university must inform the responsible offices at the beginning of March who was enrolled as of the deadline 1.12.2022. This is based on the data on HohCampus.

"For students, this means: please check by February 28 at the latest whether your name and date of birth on HohCampus match your ID card or passport. Otherwise, there may be delays in applying for the energy price flat rate," explains Karoline Bachteler from the Registrar’s Office.

Checking the data is easy: On the homepage of HohCampus, there is now an information area with the title "Information about the Energy Subsidy for students". Here, the data are listed which the university will report for the students.

The data is not correct? Then quickly submit a request for change, under: My Studies -> Requests -> Changes to personal data. For the change, a valid ID must be scanned and uploaded.

Special cases:

  • Students in the cooperative study programs Food Chemistry (Bachelor) and Information Systems (Bachelor) are not registered by the University of Hohenheim, but by the University of Stuttgart.
  • Non-degree students who do not come from abroad but from another German university are registered by their home university.

The access code for the online application (see below) is also issued by the respective university in these cases.

Step 2: Check or set up user account with the federal government.

The application for the one-time payment is only possible online. A user account with the federal government ("BundID") is required. This can also be used to complete other administrative processes digitally.

Anyone who does not yet have a user account can create one now to save time later. This works either with the online ID function, with an ELSTER certificate or by registering with a user name and password.

Important: First name(s), family name(s) and date of birth of the user account must match the data in HohCampus (see above). Even if you have already created an account, you should match this data before submitting your application.

Step 3: Submit application

The application is expected to be possible from mid-March via the website: At the latest, the application must be submitted by September 30, 2023.

In addition to the user account with the federal government (see above), one needs an access code for this. The access code will soon also be available on the HohCampus homepage under the information section mentioned above ("information on the energy price flat rate for students").

Those who have created the user account with the federal government with username & password will also need a PIN for authentication. This will also be provided via HohCampus shortly.

When completing the online application, one of the requirements is to indicate residence (or "habitual residence") as of 12/1/22. Residency data will not be provided by the university.

Any questions?

The federal government has set up an information page with frequently asked questions and answers, which is expected to be available in English shortly.

Further questions can be answered by the federal government's information hotline, which can be reached by phone or by using the contact form.

Text: Leonhardmair | Translation: International Office

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