Election Results & New Chair

New Student Parliament Starts Work   [13.11.20]

In July, Hohenheim students elected their new representatives to the university committees. At the start of the semester, the Student Parliament and the AStA met for the first time with their new members. Fabian Probost (Business Administration and Economics, 7th semester) was elected as the new president of the StuPa. Vivien Albrecht (Business Administration and Economics, 5th semester) and Ernesto Lunar Koch (Agricultural Biology, 7th semester) form the new AStA board. The election results at a glance...


No election posters, no actions in front of the Mensa, no election-mobile that spontaneously picks up students to vote in the palace on election day: This year, due to corona, the advertising for the committee election had to be done exclusively online.

These restrictions also had an impact on voter participation. Approximately 300 students cast their votes by postal vote - an option that had hardly played a role in previous elections. Nevertheless, only 7.2% of the students cast their vote (previous year: 15.1%). In fact, student representation plays a particularly important role during the Corona period. In the past semester, students were involved in the design of the improvised digital semester, helped with communication, and played an active mediating role when problems arose. The newly elected StuPa and the AStA are likely to face special challenges in the winter semester in addition to their regular duties.


New student representation

The student parliament consists of 20 members. 16 members are directly elected to the StuPa. In addition there are the 4 student Senate members, who were also newly elected and are represented in the StuPa by virtue of their office.

As far as the distribution of seats in the StuPa is concerned, almost everything remains the same in the winter semester. However, the list of student representatives "Wir für Euch - N" will be replaced by the list "Wir für Euch - A".


The StuPa is the central student committee at the University of Hohenheim and makes decisions that are relevant for all students, regardless of the degree program. Among other things, the StuPa determines the amount of the Student Parliament fee and how the money is used for the benefit of the students, e.g. for the TMS, student groups, the Skriptenbüro, or political education.

The AStA implements the StuPa decisions in everyday life and takes care of the daily business of the student representation. The 9 AStA members are elected by the StuPa.


The new AStA members: campusplan

Vivien Albrecht, Dominik Becker, Dennis Buchwald, Ernesto Lunar Koch, Julia Maier, Tim Maier, Inga Müller, Oliver Peters, and Luisa Ramming.

The Senate is a kind of large university parliament. Here, elected representatives of all status groups (students, doctoral candidates, academic staff, administrative staff, professors) and the university management make fundamental decisions for the entire university. Students make up four of the 32 elected members.


Student representation in the faculties

The representatives for the faculty councils were also newly elected. Here, matters are decided that affect individual degree programs, institutes, and the faculty. All professors, eight employees, and six students are represented.

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