Water failure & mold

Students complain about conditions in dormitories  [06.07.23]

Dormitories "Schwerzstraße 1-3" on the edge of the Goldener Acker. On the right, building 3, which has just been renovated. On the left, Building 2, which is currently empty and being gutted. In between, in the background, building 1, which has been affected by the construction work. Image: University of Hohenheim.

The dormitories in Schwerzstraße and Chausseefeld are getting on in years. The Studierendenwerk has therefore invested around €14 million in the basic renovation of Schwerzstraße 2 and 3. However, the conditions in Schwerzstraße 1 and Chausseefeld have recently deteriorated further in the view of residents. In addition to problems with the water supply, students complain about mold, vermin and long waiting times for acute technical problems. They feel that the Studierendenwerk does not take them seriously enough. The dormitory administration promises to address problems and has, among other things, launched a mold survey. It is important, they say, that students actually report deficiencies in everyday life using the form provided.

Translation with DeepL

A burst water pipe over the long weekend of Ascension Day broke the camel's back for him, describes dorm resident Erik Schwahn.

The emergency hotline of the Studierendenwerk was not available. The result: no water and no toilets for several days. The mother of one of the students organized mobile toilets on her own. Instead of immediately assuming the costs for these, the Studierendenwerk then took a long time to react and only did so after a lawyer had been called in, according to the students' perception.

No water or only cold water, power failure, no Internet: In recent months, such incidents have become more frequent, reports a student who wishes to remain anonymous. Especially for international students, it is difficult to find English-speaking contact points in such cases.

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Renovation in neighboring buildings causes complications

"Unfortunately, we are well aware of the problems with the water supply," explains Philipp Mang, press spokesman for the Studierendenwerk. "They are directly related to the renovation work in the neighboring dormitories."

One of the two houses - Schwerzstraße 3 - has already been completely renovated. At another - Schwerzstrasse 2 - construction work is still underway. As part of the renovation, the hot water supply has been changed over, which also supplies the unrenovated house. However, old plastic pipes are still in place there that are not designed to meet the requirements of the new heating system. A circumstance that even the specialist companies had not foreseen.

"We regret these problems very much and have been looking for an engineering firm for weeks to work out a solution for us. Unfortunately, the situation in the construction industry makes it very difficult to find craftsmen and planners in a timely manner. On top of that, there are staff shortages in our building," says Mang.

The Studierendenwerk wants to fundamentally improve the situation in the old dormitories in the medium term. "That is why we are currently spending €14 million on renovation work. Unfortunately, however, we cannot empty and refurbish all the dormitories at the same time. In view of the shortage of dormitory places and the tight situation on the housing market, that would certainly not be in the students' interests either," says Mang.

New emergency number

After the incident on Ascension Day, he said, the Studierendenwerk held talks with the external provider of the emergency hotline, who was commissioned to ensure that it could be reached outside office hours.

"One thing is clear: an emergency number must be available 24/7. A new number has been set up for us to ensure this in the future. The provider has also assured us that English-language reports can be handled in the future," Mang said.

Studierendenwerk launches mold query

In fact, students are currently complaining about more than just problems with the water supply. In conversations with the Stuttgarter Zeitung and the Online-Kurier, they also report mold, vermin, broken windows, leaking pipes, cracked floors or failed lights. Rats have also been spotted in dormitory kitchens. Remedial action on the part of the student union has often come very late or not at all.

The students feel that these problems are not taken seriously enough by the dormitory administration. That is why a group of students contacted the press with photos and videos.

The Studierendwerk emphasizes in this regard: "Mold is hazardous to health. Therefore, we take every case even very seriously and we try to remedy the situation as quickly as possible. However, it is important that the report actually reaches us. To ensure that in every case, students must use the notification form provided or contact the dormitory administration directly," says Mang.

Unfortunately, however, even after a report is made, it can sometimes take several weeks for a specialist company to arrive on site, Mang admits. "It's just very difficult to find companies at the moment. But we are looking internally at how we can organize it so that students at least receive an interim report in such cases."

The Studierendenwerk also took the report in the Stuttgarter Zeitung as an opportunity to start a mold survey among all residents in the Chausseefeld dormitory. The same survey is now to be carried out for the Schwerzstraße 1 and 1a dormitories.

Plans are also underway to replace damaged floors in the Chausseestraße dormitory. "As far as the issue of vermin is concerned, however, we are particularly dependent on the cooperation of the students," says Mang. "We always point out that organic waste must be disposed of in a timely manner and food should always be stored well packaged. Unfortunately, we observe problems here again and again."

Dormitory management is ready for talks

For leaking pipes, broken windows and Co, janitors are the first point of contact, he said.

"Due to work, they are unfortunately not always to be found in the office. If students feel that urgent problems are not being solved promptly, they should inform the dormitory administration directly. It is also in our own interest that, for example, a leaking pipe is repaired as quickly as possible and no damage is done to the building," Mang assures.

The dormitory administration can be reached by mail, by phone and during the specified office hours, he said. "Colleagues are also happy to make individual appointments. In fact, however, only a few students have sought direct contact with the dormitory administration in recent months," says Mang.

University offers emergency solution in case of water failure

University Rector Stephan Dabbert has been informed about the current incidents in a telephone call with the managing director of the Studierendenwerk. Because, contrary to what the name might suggest, the Studierendenwerk ("StuWe") is not part of the university, but an independent company. Especially in the operational business, the StuWe acts completely independently.

"The past few weeks there seem to have been no problems with this construction site and I hope that there will be none. However, I have agreed with the chancellor, the sports officer and the head of the university's engineering department that in such a case we will at least open the showers and toilets at our sports facility near the dormitories," Dabbert said.

The exact organization should be in place after next weekend. "However, all parties involved have promised me that we will get this organized if it becomes necessary." Even if this is only a gesture in an emergency, he said, "We want students at the University of Hohenheim to at least feel appreciated and welcome."

His advice to the Studierendenwerk Tübingen-Hohenheim: "Make everything as transparent as possible, take students with their housing needs seriously, and make it clear to them: A lot of money is being invested with the aim of making living in Schwerzstraße really attractive in the medium term."

Dabbert emphasizes that residence halls are very important for the university. He therefore very much welcomes the fact that the Studierendenwerk has completed two new dormitories with over 300 places in recent years and is now investing a double-digit million sum to gradually modernize the dormitories on Schwerzstraße.

Text: Leonhardmair | Translation: DeepL

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