Agricultural Research & Food Sciences:
University of Hohenheim Maintains Top Position in Germany [27.09.23]

The NTU Ranking by Subjects certifies that the University of Hohenheim will continue to hold the top position in Germany in agricultural research and food sciences in 2023. | Image Source: University of Hohenheim / Max Kovalenko
Research ranking from National Taiwan University (NTU ranking) has confirmed top position in Germany since 2014 / 2023: 16th in Europe und 52nd worldwide.
In agricultural sciences – including food and nutritional sciences as well as horticultural sciences – the ranking of the National Taiwan University (NTU) certifies that the University of Hohenheim has the highest level of research in Germany for the tenth time in a row. The University of Hohenheim ranks 16th in Europe and 52nd worldwide. On 1 September 2023, the NTU subject ranking for 2023 appeared. It examines the number and quality of scientific publications. The Best Global Universities Ranking from the magazine U.S. News & World Report and the QS Ranking by Subject also placed the University of Hohenheim in Stuttgart as Germany’s current no. 1 in agricultural research. All rankings can be found at
Germany's No. 1 in agricultural research and food sciences: Three of the most important international research rankings all agree on this place for the University of Hohenheim.
This was once again confirmed by the current ranking of National Taiwan University. Each year, the NTU evaluates all international scientific publications for the globally respected ranking and weights the publications according to scientific productivity, excellence, and influence. This year’s ranking included 1,510 of the world's top universities.
For the subject of Agricultural Sciences, the NTU ranking includes Food Science and Technology, Horticulture, and Nutritional Science and Dietetics.
Renowned world rankings confirm the top position
For years, the classification as Germany’s no. 1 has been confirmed by renowned international rankings. In addition to the NTU ranking, these are the Best Global Universities Ranking and the QS World University Ranking by Subject.
- The current Best Global Universities Ranking 2023 places the University of Hohenheim’s agricultural research including food and nutrition science 1st in Germany, 9th in Europe, and 32nd in the world. The subject ranking of the U.S. News & World Report magazine is based on the analysis of Clarivate Analytics InCites and takes into account research performance and international reputation. It was published in November 2022.
> To the press release
- The influential QS World University Ranking by Subject lists the University of Hohenheim’s agricultural research including food science 1st in Germany, 8th in Europe, and 19th worldwide. The analysis by QS Quacquarelli Symonds, a British education provider, annually ranks the best universities primarily by research strength and examines factors such as academic reputation, publications, and citations of individual publications. The most recent subject ranking was published in March 2023.
> To the press release
International cooperation links the top universities
Together you are even better: The other universities that were with Hohenheim in the top group of agricultural research are quite familiar. After all, working together means even better results can be achieved:
The University of Hohenheim has long had close ties with Wageningen University in the Netherlands – the world’s no. 1 – and the University of Copenhagen as the best in Denmark through the Euroleague for Life Sciences (ELLS). The world’s no. 2 university, China Agricultural University, also belongs to the network, which is made up of joint degree programs and intensive exchange of students and instructors.
The University of Hohenheim cooperates with Wageningen University in the European Bioeconomy University (EBU). This initiative brings together six leading European universities in the bioeconomy to promote this sustainable economy in Europe.
The University of Hohenheim and the China Agricultural University have cooperated for several decades in numerous projects. Currently, for example, in the German-Chinese research training group AMAIZE-P.
Top Universities in Agricultural Research & Food Sciences in Germany, Europe, and the World 2023 (Source: NTU Ranking by Subject) – Agricultural Sciences
1. University of Hohenheim
2. Technical University of Munich
3. Georg August University of Göttingen
4. University of Bonn
5. Free University Berlin
1. Wageningen University (Netherlands)
2. University College Dublin (Ireland)
3. University of Copenhagen (Denmark)
4. Ghent University (Belgium)
5. University of Naples Federico II (Italy)
16. University of Hohenheim
1. Wageningen University (Netherlands)
2. China Agricultural University (China)
3. North West Agriculture and Forestry University (China)
4. Jiangnan University (China)
5. Zhejiang University (China)
52. University of Hohenheim
BACKGROUND: NTU – National Taiwan University Ranking
The Performance Ranking of Scientific Papers for World Universities, also known as NTU Ranking, has been published annually by National Taiwan University since 2011. The selection of universities included in the 2023 ranking was based on different criteria than in the previous year. Out of 1,510 universities selected, a ranking of the top 1,000 universities was published.
The NTU Ranking evaluates the research performance of universities based on objective indicators. The focus is primarily on scientific publications. A total of eight indicators with different weightings are used for the overall evaluation, providing information on research productivity (25%), research impact (35%), and research excellence (40%).