Anniversary in the Hohenheim Online-Courier


[Translate to English:] Das Jubiliäums-Signet "200 Jahre" wird dem Uni-Logo bei allen Kommunikationsanlässen im Jahr 2018 an die Seite gestellt.

University Anniversary: The Countdown has Started  [03.11.17]

You don’t turn 200 every day. That is why the University of Hohenheim is celebrating its upcoming birthday for a whole year! The preparations for the anniversary year have been in full swing for quite some time. Early information about the planned projects will now be described once a week in the Online Courier. Selected articles will be available in English. Kick-off for the anniversary countdown: An overview of the festive year.

[Translate to English:] Das Jubiliäums-Signet "200 Jahre" wird dem Uni-Logo bei allen Kommunikationsanlässen im Jahr 2018 an die Seite gestellt.

In brief:

  • Insights into current research topics, historical overview, cultural program, high-ranking conferences and Dies Academicus XXL: Throughout the entire year there will be numerous program points for University members, the general public, and the scientific community.
  • The complete program will be published online in mid-November. There are two dates you should already save: The kick-off event on 17 January, and the festival week from 2-7 July. An anniversary website will bundle additional dates and current information.
  • University products: In 2018 in the Uni-Shop or exclusively at special events, you can receive many different anniversary products and give-aways.
  • Anniversary signet & Corporate Design: In the anniversary year, the University logo will gain an additional emblem with the inscription “200 Years”. In addition, an update for the University’s general corporate design is planned (e.g. logo, font).


Mehr zum Thema

Everything started with a huge bang

In 1815, an enormous volcanic eruption in Indonesia darkened the atmosphere around the world. The following year became known as the “year without a summer” in the history books.

From the Dinosaurs to the Future

The first anniversary project is already getting started!

The 6-part lecture series "Studium generale" will look at 200 million years of climate and earth history in Hohenheim. From the marine dinosaurs in the Filder to a scientific prognosis on climate changes in the upcoming 100 years.

In 1818, King William I of Württemberg took action: He wanted to counteract crop failures and famines with agricultural innovations. For this, he founded the agricultural teaching, experimental, and model institute Hohenheim: The cornerstone for today’s University.

Looking ahead - and celebrating together

Back then as well as today, scientists here look for innovative answers to the most urgent questions of the day: From climate change to food security to tomorrow’s sustainable economic system.

As the University of Hohenheim celebrates its 200th anniversary, it therefore does not only look back. The University primarily wants to use the opportunity to tell a broader public about its current research topics and bring together University members from all institutions.

Celebrating together and cultural enjoyment should also be given space. Hohenheim’s music ensembles and the theater group are presenting a special anniversary program. The University choir has twice as much reason to celebrate: It was founded during the 150th University anniversary and will therefore celebrate its 50th anniversary in 2018.

Key dates in the anniversary year

The program points in the anniversary year will take place throughout the year. There are two dates you should already save.

The anniversary year will be opened by the President on 17 January 2018 with a festive kick-off event for students and employees in the Otto Rettenmaier Audimax. There will an introduction of what awaits the University members in the upcoming months. The first performance of the Hohenheim anniversary theater play will also take place together with a small reception and light art on the Palace.

You should also make sure to mark down the week from 2-7 July in your calendar. On the occasion of the anniversary, the University will extend its traditional festive weekend for Dies academicus and the Open Day to become an entire festival week that will be the largest event in the anniversary year.

The University will primarily use the festive ceremonial act on the founding day of 20th November to network and thank everyone who offered special support during the anniversary year. Representatives from partner universities from all over the world, friends and patrons of the University, and politicians including the Minister-President and alumnus Winfried Kretschmann are invited.

Excerpts from the program

Research in Hohenheim is the focus of the anniversary year.

Among other events, scientists invite others to the series “Brown Bag lectures” where they will introduce their research projects during the lunch break in a relaxed atmosphere.

In the summer, from 11 June until 7 July these will be held a long table will be set up in front of the Palace as a meeting point. Before the festival week, the anniversary table can also be used for students and employees for lunch breaks, meetings, and events.
Reservations can already be made.

Other compact and entertaining insights into research can be found at the Café Scientifique in Café Felix or the Science Pub in the Rosenau. In the series “On-Site Research,” scientists open their lab doors, experimental spaces, etc. for those who are interested.

The “Science Dinners” will build a bridge between science and pleasure in the Speisemeisterei: Dishes with special ingredients will be served - including scientific explanations by experts.

The anniversary is also a topic in the reform project Humboldt reloaded: Together with Schönbuch-Bräu, students want to introduce a Hohenheim Anniversary Beer on the market. A corn maze is also to be built that will point out the University anniversary from an aerial perspective.

At the same time, during the anniversary year Hohenheim will host a series of high-ranking conferences. The presidents and rectors of Hohenheim partner universities are invited in November to a framework program with a focus on Bioeconomy.

Historical aspects are illuminated in the context of various exhibitions and publications as well as on the website: Topics such as the volcano Tambora, famous people from Hohenheim, 200 years of student life, Margarethe von Wrangell, or women in Hohenheim. A comprehensive history project is focused on an analysis of the Nazi period in Hohenheim.

Anniversary products

In 2018, the Uni-Shop will also offer additional products. Besides t-shirts, key chains, conference materials, etc. with an anniversary design, completely new products are being prepared: e.g. a powerbank, a Hohenheim rubber duck, or a glitter globe with the Palace. In cooperation with the Hohenheim start-up Intertrop, a sustainable give-away is being planned (“Jute-Tee”) that supports small farmers in Bangladesh.

An anniversary wine is also currently aging in oak barrels and will be poured at special events in 2018. Small amounts may also be available for purchase. Sparkling wine, brandies, whiskeys, honey, and chocolate are also available in anniversary editions. The fair trade University chocolate will also include a new “bite of knowledge” each month.

Corporate design & anniversary signet

How exactly does the University of Hohenheim want to be perceived by prospective students, donors, University members, or in scientific circles? And how can it communicate more efficiently with the relevant target groups? In the last 1.5 years, working groups with participants from all major areas of the University have discussed these questions.

A concept for the “Hohenheim brand” was presented in June and is to be taken up by various areas. The anniversary year provides good opportunity for implementation. The first tangible result is the planned update for the University’s corporate design, in which the logo, font, etc. will be slightly reworked and adapted to current needs.

One unique aspect in 2018 will be the
anniversary signet that will be added to the University logo for all communication. Files for downloading and information on how to use the signet can already be found on the anniversary page.

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