Module examinations


Portal for exam registration, transcripts of records, certificates, and for changing your contact data. more

Contact Examinations Office

Personal office hours on-site

Mon, Wed, and Fri |  10 - 11 a.m.
Tues and Thurs | 2:30 - 3:30 p.m.

Contact details and contact persons

What are examinations

Module examination

Each module concludes with a module examination.

A module examination can be:

  • written (e.g., written exam (Klausur), minutes, lab report, seminar paper, final thesis)
  • oral (e.g., oral exam, in-class presentation, talk, other presentation)
  • electronic (e.g., programming exercise) or
  • another form (e.g., internship).

Coursework is used to monitor individual learning progress and usually takes place during the semester. Coursework can be an admission requirement for the module examination but can also be part of the module examination.

Exception: In the Bachelor’s programs in the Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences, coursework is always a module examination that can be repeated an unlimited number of times.

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Examination dates & examination periods

Examination dates

Examinations only take place in the semester of the course to which they belong.
The examination dates are set either centrally by the Examinations Office or decentrally by the individual examiners and are then published on HohCampus.

The centrally organized examination dates are set at the latest at the beginning of the registration period.  If you do not see an examination date in HohCampus during the registration period, please ask the relevant department for the date.

Examination periods

Especially those module exams that are centrally organized typically take place within examination periods. Each semester has two exam periods: the first takes place immediately following the lecture period, and the second is at the end of the lecture-free period. Some of the exams in the Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences’ degree programs also take place in the Pentecost holiday week.

Special case: Block modules

In block modules, the examinations may take place outside the examination periods. Often these take place at the end of each block.

Special case: Decentrally organized module examinations | Coursework

Graded coursework and examinations that do not consist of a written or oral exam can take place during the lecture period or in the examination periods.

Special case: Modules at the University of Stuttgart

As a rule, the examinations at the University of Stuttgart take place only once per semester. The lecturers or the Examination Office at the University of Stuttgart determine these dates. The University of Stuttgart’s examination period is different from the University of Hohenheim’s examination periods.

Make-up exam dates are usually offered in the next semester.

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Registering and cancelling registration

Registering a thesis

You must register for each module examination. This means you always have to register if you want to complete a module. Registration is also necessary even if the examination is not a written exam or a traditional oral exam.

When you register for an examination, you specify the area of your degree program (e.g., compulsory modules, profile area, additional modules, elective area, etc.) to which the associated module is assigned. You can find information about possibilities to change this decision under exchanging modules.

Register for examinations on  HohCampus using the function “Study Planner.”

You can register for examinations in the first or in the second examination period.
However, you can only register during the registration period. You can find the registration deadlines alongside the individual examination dates in the Study Planner.

In general, the registration deadlines are as follows:

  • for centrally planned examinations in the first examination period, the registration deadline is approximately 6.5 weeks before this examination period
  • for block modules 7 days before the block ends
  • for the examinations in the second examination period, the registration deadline is 7 days before the examination date

The registration deadlines may differ for examinations that are planned decentrally. Always pay attention to the information in the Study Planner on HohCampus.

Late registration is generally not possible!

Cancel registration

You can cancel your registration for examinations until seven days before the examination.

After that, it is only possible to withdraw. It does not matter whether it is a registration for your first attempt at an examination or whether you wish to cancel your registration for a re-take examination.

Cancel your registration online on HohCampus.

Special case: Changing your registration

As long as the cancellation deadline for the examination in the first examination period has not yet expired, you can change your registration directly in HohCampus. The registration for the first examination date will then be cancelled and you will be registered for the second examination date.

Note: If the deadline for cancelling registrations for the first examination date has expired, then changing your registration will result in a grade of 5.0 for the first examination. If the deadline for cancelling registrations has expired, you can only submit a request to withdraw or the examination on the first date will be considered to have been missed without excuse

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Taking examinations

Room assignmentThe exam rooms are assigned six days before the exam. You can view your individual room assignment on HohCampus in the section Enrollments. Please make sure to check what room your exam will be in.
Proof of identity

To take an exam, you need to have a valid state-issued ID or passport. Without an official identification document, you cannot take the exam. Please have your ID ready to avoid delays.

Duty to report problemsIf disruptions or irregularities take place during the exam (e.g., noise, unclear exam questions, or technical issues), then you are required to immediately report these to the exam invigilators. It is not possible to file a complaint about these issues after the exam is completed.
Permitted aidsPlease inform yourself in advance about the aids permitted for your exam. These are determined by the examiner.

Just having aids with you that are not permitted is considered an attempt to cheat.

Cell phones, tablets, and smartwatches that are turned on at your exam seat are also aids that are not permitted.

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Withdrawing for health reasons
RequestYou must make your request to withdraw immediately. For examinations you did not take, the request must be received by the Examinations Office no later than 7 days after the examination date.
Please use the form provided by the Examinations Office.

You can send the request as an email attachment (scan/photo) or by post to the Examinations Office, hand it in personally, or drop it in the Examinations Office postbox.
Definition of inability to take an examination due to illness

You are considered unable to take an examination because of an illness if your ability to work is significantly reduced due to an illness. Your ability to work must be reduced so much that you are unable to demonstrate in the examination how much you actually know and can do.

Especially the following cases are not considered an inability to take an exam:

  • Exam anxiety and fear of examinations: This limitation of the students’ abilities arises from the examination situation itself. It is assumed that every person taking exams is subject to this limitation to a greater or lesser extent.
  • Day-to-day fluctuations of abilities: One of the requirements for success is that students are able to perform “normally” even if they are having a bad day.
  • Chronic problems: This includes chronic illnesses. In contrast to acute illnesses, these do not distort the students’ abilities. To compensate for their illness, students with chronic illnesses can request reasonable adjustments.
  • Health limitations that are the fault of the student, e.g., too high dosage of anti-anxiety medication.
Determining the inability to take an examination

You need to decide before starting the examination whether you are able to take it or not.

If you think you might be unable to take the examination, you need to go to a doctor before the examination and then, if necessary, withdraw from the examination.

If you start an examination even though you are aware that you might be unable to take it because of an illness, then you do so at your own risk and the results of the examination will stand. It is then no longer possible to withdraw after already having started the examination.

Once you start an exam, this automatically means that you declare yourself able to take it. It is only possible to withdraw from an examination once it has started if you were healthy when the examination started and serious symptoms of illness set in after the examination has already started that prevent you from completing the examination. These symptoms of illness cannot be triggered by the examination situation. One example of a symptom of illness that is not triggered by the examination and would be a reason for withdrawing after the examination has started would be an epileptic seizure.

Proof of inability to take an examination | Medical certificate

To prove the inability to take an examination, it is necessary to present a medical certificate that the examination board can use to check whether you were unable to take the examination due to the type of illness.

In general, the medical certificate can be issued by any doctor. Please note that a certificate of incapacity for work (Arbeitsunfähigkeitsbescheinigung) is not sufficient.

The medical certificate must be obtained at the latest on the day of the examination. If your doctor is not available, you must get in contact with an emergency doctor (ärztlicher Notdienst) or an emergency clinic.

The Examinations Office provides a template for the medical certificate. If it is completed, then typically the necessary information has been provided.

In cases of doubt if it is not possible to determine the inability to take an exam based on the information provided on the forms, students will be required to submit a detailed medical certificate.

Withdrawing for an important reason

You must make your request to withdraw immediately. For examinations you did not take, the request must be received by the Examinations Office no later than 7 days after the examination date.

The request must be submitted in writing (email, letter).

The request must include the following information:

  • Your name
  • Your matriculation number
  • Name of module for the examination that you missed
  • The reason you missed the examination
ProofWhen submitting your request, you must include proof of the reason you were not able to take the exam.
Examples of important reasons

Death in the family (proof: death certificate)

Train cancellations (proof: confirmation from the train company, screenshots from the app)

Traffic jams (proof: screenshots from the traffic information site, screenshot of the location)

Approval | Rejection

If the withdrawal has been approved, a note will be entered on your examination registration that you have withdrawn for health reasons.

You can then view the approved withdrawal in HohCampus under Registrations (Belegungen). The status of the examination will then say withdrawn.

RejectionIf your request is rejected, you will receive this information by email. If you do not show up to the exam, it will count as an unexcused absence.

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Missing an examination

If you miss an exam without an excuse, this exam will be graded as 5.0. This means that you lose an examination attempt.

You should therefore cancel your registration or withdraw from the exam in good time if you have a reason for missing it.

If you miss an exam, you must re-register for the exam yourself. There is no automatic registration for the next time the exam is offered.

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Students are deemed to have cheated if they gain an advantage over their fellow students by using an unauthorized aid or an external service.

An attempt to cheat is also considered to be cheating; carrying an unauthorized aid (e.g., cheat sheet, smartphone, unauthorized markings in a law book) is sufficient.

The use of third-party content without stating the source and labeling it as a quotation (plagiarism) is also considered cheating.

An examination in which cheating has been attempted will be graded with 5.0. In particularly serious cases, this can also result in the loss of the right to take examinations. Serious cheating cases are typically cases with repeated attempts at cheating.

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Repeating examinations

Exams can be retaken a limited or unlimited number of times. The rules that apply to individual examinations are set out in the module catalog.

For limited retakes of module examinations, the following applies:

Degree programsPossibility to retake examinations that can be retaken a limited number of times
! Does not apply to final theses!
  • Bachelor’s programs in the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences
  • Bachelor’s programs in the Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences
  • Master’s programs in the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences (excluding Bioeconomy)
  • Master’s program in Agricultural Biology
  • Master’s program in Biology
  • Master’s program in Earth and Climate System Science
  • Master’s program in Food Systems
Two retakes
  • Bachelor’s program in Nutritional Science
  • Bachelor’s program in Food Science and Biotechnology
  • Master’s programs in the Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences (excluding CMA)
Each examination once; two retakes in three examinations
  • Master’s program in Bioeconomy
Each examination once; two retakes in five examinations
  • Master’s program in Biotechnology
  • Master’s program in Food Science and Technology
  • Master’s program in Food Biotechnology
  • Master’s program in Food Science and Engineering
  • Master’s program in Molecular Nutrition
  • Master’s program in Clinical Nutrition
Each examination once; two retakes in one examination
  • Master’s program in Communication Management and Analysis
Each examination once

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Failing the final attempt at an examination

If you do not pass an examination that can be repeated with a limit on the last attempt, your right to take the examination expires and you may no longer continue your studies.

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Contact Examinations Office

Opening hours (personal consultation hours on site)

Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays | 10–11 a.m.
Tuesdays and Thursdays | 2:30–3:30 p.m.