Job vacancies


The University of Hohenheim accepts applications through this Application Portal. Please double check the data you have entered before sending. Once you have sent the data, you can no longer revise your application.

Application for:

Lab Manager/Lecturer (TV-L 13, 80-100%) - Sustainability in Agri-Food Systems (f/m/d)

(fields marked with * are required)

1. Contact information

2. Application documents

Please bundle your cover letter and the application documents requested in the job description (

Short letter of motivation, curriculum vitae (CV), current transcripts and degree certificates as well as contact information of 2 professional references. Applications need to be submitted through the University of Hohenheim application portal.

Application deadline: application reviews will start June 30, 2024 and applications close July 14, 2024.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us: Jun.-Prof. Dr. Verena Seufert,

) in one pdf file.

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