Publications: Conversion Technologies of Biobased Resources

Title Year Literature Type Authors
Biobased electrode materials energy storage technologies (electrochemical double-layer capacitors) 2018 Lecture Viola Hoffmann, Catalina Rodriguez Correa, Andrea Kruse
Biobased electrode materials for sustainable energy storage Technologies in the electromobility sector 2018 Lecture Viola Hoffmann, Andrea Kruse
Biobased Functional Carbon Materials: Production, Charaterization, and Applications-A Review
2018 Journal contribution (peer reviewed) Catalina Rodriguez Correa, Andrea Kruse
Biobasierte Kohlenstoffmaterialien für die E-Mobilität 2018 Lecture Viola Hoffmann, Catalina C. Rodriguez, Muhammad Jamal Alhnidi, Andrea Kruse
Carbonaceous materials from lignocellulosic biomass under hydrothermal conditions 2018 Lecture D. Wüst, D. Jung, M. Lucian, A. Kruse, L. Fiori
Comparison between Pyrolysis and Hydrothermal Carbonization of Biomass 2018 Poster C. Rodriguez Correa, T. Hehr, Y. Rauscher, A. Voglhuber, A. Kruse
Direct liquefaction of lignin and lignin rich biomasses by heterogenic catalytic hydrogenolysis
Biomass and Bioenergy
2018 Journal contribution (peer reviewed) Marcus Breunig, Philipp Gebhart, Ursel Hornung, Andrea Kruse, Eckhard Dinjus
Einblicke in Kinetik und Mechanismus der hydrothermalen Konversion von Fructose 2018 Poster P. Körner, A. Kruse
Elimination of micropollutants by activated carbon produced from fibers taken from wastewater Screenings using hydrothermal carbonization
Journal of Environmental Management
2018 Journal contribution (peer reviewed) F. Benstoem, G. Becker, J. Firk, M. Kaless, D. Wüst, J. Pinnekamp, A. Kruse
Fertilizer and activated carbon production by hydrothermal carbonization of digestate
Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery
2018 Journal contribution (peer reviewed) X. Zhao, G. C. Becker, N. Faweya, C. Rodriguez Correa, S. Yang, X. Xie
Formation of n-containing heterocycles from hydrothermal liquefaction of model compounds and sewage sludge 2018 Contribution to conference Y. Fan, U. Hornung, N. Dahmen, A. Kruse
From the field to industrial product: Platform chemicals and materials from biomass 2018 Lecture Andrea Kruse, Dominik Wüst, David Steinbach, Paul Körner, Dennis Jung, Gero Becker
HTC zur Herstellung biobasierter Elektrodenmaterialien für die Elektromobilität 2018 Lecture Viola Hoffmann, Dr. Catalina Rodriguez, Prof. Dr. Andrea Kruse
Hydrochars obtained from hydrothermal carbonization of two steps brewer`s spent grains 2018 Lecture P. Arauzo Gimeno
Hydrothermal biomass conversion: Quo vadis?
The Journal of Supercritical Fluids
2018 Journal contribution (peer reviewed) Andrea Kruse, Nicolaus Dahmen
Hydrothermal Carbonization Brewer`s Spent Grains with the Focus on Improving the Degradation of the Feedstock
2018 Journal contribution (peer reviewed) Pablo J. Arauzo, Maciej P. Olszewski, Andrea Kruse
Hydrothermal Carbonization Evaluation to Produce Activated Carbons from Biogas Digestate 2018 Poster Catallina Correa, Maria Bernardo, Rui P.P.L. Ribeiro, Isabel A.A.C. Esteves, Andrea Kruse
Hydrothermal carbonization of fructose: growth mechanism and kinetic model
Sustainable Chemistry&Engineering
2018 Journal contribution (peer reviewed) Dennis Jung, Michael Zimmermann, Andrea Kruse
Hydrothermal Conversion of Starchy Residues 2018 Lecture D. Wüst, M. Götz, A. Kruse
Hydrothermal liquefaction of protein-containing biomass: study of model compounds for Maillard reactions
Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery
2018 Journal contribution (peer reviewed) Y. Fan, U. Hornung, N. Dahmen, A. Kruse
Hydrothermal Process for Extracting Phosphate from Animal Manure 2018 Book chapter Huanhuan Li, Xueli Zhao, Tao Zhang, Andrea Kruse
Hydrothermale Carbonisierung als Verfahren zum P-Recycling aus Klärschlamm 2018 Lecture Andrea Kruse, Gero Becker
Hydrothermale Karbonisierung von Fructose 2018 Poster Dennis Jung, Andrea Kruse
Hydroxymethylfurfural and advanced carbon materials: Two sides of the same coin 2018 Lecture Andrea Kruse, Dominik Wüst, David Steinbach, Paul Körner, Dennis Jung, Gero Becker
Integral energy valorization of minicipal solid waste reject fraction to biofuels
Energy Conversion ans Management
2018 Journal contribution (peer reviewed) F. J. Gutierrez Ortiz, A. Kruse, F. Ramos, P. Ollero
Kinetische und mechanistische Untersuchungen zur Gewinnung von 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) aus Hexosen unter hydrothermalen Bedingungen 2018 Lecture P. Körner, D. Jung, A. Kruse
Kunststoffe aus der Chicoreewurzel 2018 Lecture Dominik Wüst
Materialien für die Hydrothermale Umwandlung von Biomasse 2018 Lecture N. Dahmen, A. Kruse
Microwave digestion-assisted HFO/biochar adsorption to recover phosphorus from swine manure
Science of the Total Environment
2018 Journal contribution (peer reviewed) Tao Zhang, Haoyu Xu, Huanhuan Li, Xinyue He, Yuanji Shi, Andrea Kruse
Nutrient Alteration in sewage sludge by hydrothermal carbonization (HTC) 2018 Poster Gero C. Becker, Ekaterina Ovsyannikova, Yujie Fan, Julia Keller, Andrea Kruse
One stage olive mill waste streams valorisation via hydrothermal carbonisation
Waste Management
2018 Journal contribution (peer reviewed) M. Volpe, D. Wüst, F. Merzari, M. Lucian, G. Andreottola, A. Kruse, L. Fiori
Polyethylene imine modified hydrochar Adsorption for chromium (VI) and nickel (II) removal from aqueous solution
Bioresource Technology
2018 Journal contribution (peer reviewed) Yuanji Shi, Tao Zhang, Hongqiang Ren, Andrea Kruse, Ruofan Cui
Properties of Hydrochar as Function of Feedstock, Reaction Conditions and Post-Treatment
2018 Journal contribution (peer reviewed) Andrea Kruse, Thomas A. Zevaco
Pyrolysis kinetics of hydrochars produced from brewer`s spent grains 2018 Poster M. P. Olszewski, P. A. Arauzo, C. Rodriguez Correa, A. Kruse
Study of the electrical conductivity of biobased carbonaceous powder materials under moderate pressure for the application as electrode materials in energy storage technologies
GCB Bioenergy
2018 Journal contribution (peer reviewed) Viola Hoffmann, Catalina Rodriguez Correa, Dennis Sautter, Emilio Maringolo, Andrea Kruse
Sucrose Is a Promising Feedstock for the Synthesis of the Platform Chemical Hydroxymethylfurfural
2018 Journal contribution (peer reviewed) David Steinbach, Andrea Kruse, Jörg Sauer, Philipp Vetter
Supercritical water gasification of biomass for hydrogen production - Review
The Journal of Supercritical Fluids
2018 Journal contribution (peer reviewed) Catalina Rodriguez Correa, Andrea Kruse
The effect of different Bronsted acids on the hydrothermal conversion of fructose to HMF
Green Chemistry
2018 Journal contribution (peer reviewed) Paul Körner, Dennis Jung, Andrea Kruse
The fate of Nitrogen during Catalytic Hydrothermal Liquefaction of Sewage Sludge 2018 Poster Y. Fan, U. Hornung, N. Dahmen, A. Kruse
Treatment of protein lignocellulosic feedstock by hydrothermal carbonization 2018 Poster P. J. Arauzo, M. P. Olszewski, A. Kruse
Umweltfreundliche biologische Ansäuerung der Gülle zur Reduktion der Ammoniakabgasung und Steigerung der Nährstoffeffizienz
Landinfo Baden-Württemberg
2018 Journal contribution Elsäßer, M., Mokry, M., Wüst, D, Kleuter, H., Messner, J. und R. Ruser
Understanding the Effects of Biomass Composition and Hydrothermal Carbonization on the Textural Properties and Adsorption Capacity of Activated Carbon 2018 Lecture C. Rodriguez Correa, A. Kruse
Verfahren zur Herstellung von Aktivkohle EP 2 982 649 B1 2018 Patent Jan Vyskocil, Olga Sahin, Mei Yubn Lai, Andrea Kruse
Application of Algae as Cosubstrate to Enhance the Processability of Willow Wood for Continuous Hydrothermal Liquefaction
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research
2017 Journal contribution (peer reviewed) Iulia M. Sintamarean, Thomas H. Pedersen, Xueli Zhao, Andrea Kruse, Lasse A. Rosendahl
Carbonization in water: A contradiction? 2017 Lecture Andrea Kruse
Characterization of Products from Hydrothermal Carbonization (HTC) of Biogas Digestate 2017 Poster Zebin Cao, Githa Ravikumar, Na Zhang, Bora Lee, Andrea Kruse
Development of bio-based electrode materials for supercapacitors 2017 Poster Viola Hoffmann, Andrea Sandoval, Catalina Rodriguez Correa, Andrea Kruse
Effects of different biofilm carriers on biogas production during anaerobic digestion of corn straw
Bioresource Technology
2017 Journal contribution (peer reviewed) Yongdi Liu, Yingdong Zhu, Honghua Jia, Xiaoyu Yong, Lijuan Zhang, Jun Zhou, Zebin Cao, Andrea Kruse, Ping Wei
Erschließung von Inulin aus Inulin-speichernden Pflanzen zur Herstellung von Plattformchemikalien 2017 Lecture Dominik Wüst, Markus Götz, Judit Pfenning, Andrea Kruse
Evaluation of Arrhenius-type overall kinetic equations for hydrothermal carbonization
Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis
2017 Journal contribution (peer reviewed) D. Jung, A. Kruse
Evaluation of hydrothermal carbonization as a preliminary step for the production of functional material from Biogas digestate
Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis
2017 Journal contribution (peer reviewed) Catalina Rodriguez Correa, Maria Bernardo, Riu P.P.L. Ribeiro, Isabel A.A.C. Esteves, Andrea Kruse
Exploitation of Inulin-type Fructans (ItF) from Chicory Roots for the Production of Platform Chemicals 2017 Lecture Dominik Wüst; Markus Götz, Judit Pfenning, Andrea Kruse, Luca Fiori
Exploring Pyrolysis and Hydrothermal Carbonization to Produce Porous Carbons for Hydrogen Storage 2017 Lecture Catalina Rodriguez Correa, Andrea Kruse
Herstellung von Biomassekarbonisaten 2017 Book chapter Simone Heger, Andrea Kruse, Peter Quicker, Dennis Blöhse, Klaus Serfass, Marc Schulten, Saulo Seabra
Herstellung von Nylon aus landwirtschaftlichen Reststoffen 2017 Poster P. Körner, M. Götz, D. Wüst, A. Kruse
HMF Production from Fructose in Acidic Aqueous Media 2017 Poster P. Körner, A. Kruse
Hochleistungskohlenstoffe für die Elektromobilität aus Biomasse 2017 Lecture Catalina Rodriguez Correa, Viola Hoffmann, Andrea Kruse
Hydrothermal Liquefaction of Lignin
Journal of Biomaterials and Nanobiotechnology
2017 Journal contribution (peer reviewed) Julia Schuler, Ursel Hornung, Andrea Kruse, Nicolaus Dahmen, Jörg Sauer
Hydrothermale Karbonisierung - Nährstoffrückgewinnung aus der Kohle 2017 Lecture Andrea Kruse
Influence of the biomass components on the pore formation of activated carbon
Biomass and Bioenergy
2017 Journal contribution (peer reviewed) Catalina Rodriguez Correa, Thomas Otto, Andrea Kruse
Influence of the Carbonization Process on Activated Carbon Properties from Lignin and Lignin-Rich Biomasses
ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering
2017 Journal contribution (peer reviewed) Catalina Rodriguez Correa, Moritz Stollovsky, Tobias Hehr, Yannik Rauscher, Birgit Rolli, Andrea Kruse
Investigation of the textural and adsorption properties of activated carbon from HTC and pyrolysis carbonizates
Biomass Conversion of Biorefinery
2017 Journal contribution (peer reviewed) Catalina Rodriguez Correa, Chatri Ngamying, Dietmar Klank, Andrea Kruse
Mehr Effizienz auf dem Weg von Klärschlamm zu Dünger durch hydrothermale Karbonisierung 2017 Lecture Gero C. Becker
Pflanzenverfügbares Phosphat nach Hydrothermaler Karbonisierung von Klärschlamm 2017 Lecture Gero C. Becker, Andrea Kruse
Pretreatment technologies of lignocellulosic biomass in water in view of furfural and 5-hydroxymethylfurfural production- A review
Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery
2017 Journal contribution (peer reviewed) David Steinbach, Andrea Kruse, Jörg Sauer
Socio-economic assessment including feedstock supply and marketability concept of HTC/HTL-Products
European Biomass Conference and Exhibition (EUBCE)
2017 Contribution to conference Kay Suwelack, Andrea Kruse, Nicolaus Dahmen
Study of Biogas Digestates from Different Plants for the Production of Microporous Activated Carbons 2017 Lecture Yvonne Ringelspacher, Catalina Rodriguez, Andrea Kruse
Supercritical Water Gasification of Biomass in a Ceramic Reactor: Long-Time Batch Experiments
2017 Journal contribution (peer reviewed) Daniele Castello, Birgit Rolli, Andrea Kruse, Luca Fiori
Thermochemische Prozesse zur Herstellung von Biomassekarbonisaten 2017 Book chapter Peter Quicker, Andrea Kruse, Kathrin Weber, Dennis Blöhse
5-Hydroxymethylfurfural aus landwirtschaftlichen und Lebensmittel-Abfällen 2016 Poster D. Wüst, M. Götz, P. Körner, D. Steinbach, A. Kruse
A unified appraisal framework for the assessment of biorefinery Technologies: An approach and first steps to application 2016 Doctoral thesis Kay Suwelack
Assessment of the Technical Feasibility of Activated Carbon Production from Hydrochar 2016 Poster Catalina Rodriguez Correa, Kay Uwe Suwelack, Isabel A. A. C. Esteves, Andrea Kruse
Biorefinery of Microalgae via HTL - A Techo-Economic Assessment 2016 Lecture Diego Lopez Barreiro, Ursel Hornung, Andrea Kruse, Frederic Ronsse, Wolter Prins
Characterization of Activated Carbons Obtained from Different Bamboo Residue Carbonizates 2016 Poster C.Ngamying, C. Rodriguez Correa, A. Kruse
Die Rolle des Wassers bei hydrothermalen Biomasseumwandlungen 2016 Lecture Andrea Kruse
Economics of hydrothermal carbonization of biogas digestate in a hybrid AD-HTC plant 2016 Contribution to conference Kay Suwelack, Nadim Dostert, Dominik Wüst, Andrea Kruse
Experimental study of the influence of the carbonization process for the production of activated carbon from lignin
RRB - 12, Renewable Resources & Biorefineries
2016 Lecture Catalina Rodriguez Correa, M. Stollovsky, A. Kruse
Exploitation of 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural from Vegetable Waste Material - Inulin-type Fructans from Chicory Roots as Sources for the Chemical Industry 2016 Lecture Dominik Wüst, Judit Pfenning, Andrea Kruse
Exploitation of Inulin-type Fructans (ItF) from Chicory Roots for the Production of Platform Chemicals 2016 Lecture Dominik Wüst, Markus Götz, Andrea Kruse, Judit Pfenning
Fate of Nitrogen during Hydrothermal Carbonization
Energy and Fuels
2016 Journal contribution (peer reviewed) Andrea Kruse, Florian Koch, Katharina Stelzl, Dominik Wüst, Meret Zeller
Herstellung einer Plattformchemikalie aus Lebensmittel-Nebenprodukten- wie aus der Chicoree-Rübe Nylonstrümpfe werden 2016 Lecture Andrea Kruse
Heterogeneous catalytic upgrading of biocrude oil produced by hydrothermal liquefaction of microalgae: State of the art and own experiments
Fuel Processing Technology
2016 Journal contribution (peer reviewed) Diego Lopez Barreiro, Blanca Rios Gomez, Frederik Ronsse, Ursel Hornung, Andrea Kruse, Wolter Prins
Hydrothermal Carbonisation: Process and Products 2016 Poster Andrea Kruse, Monika Kirchherr
Hydrothermal carbonization of wheat straw-prediction of product mass yields and degree of carbonization by severity parameter
Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery
2016 Journal contribution (peer reviewed) Kay Suwelack, Dominik Wüst, Meret Zeller, Andrea Kruse, Johannes Krümpel
Hydrothermal conversion of biomass to platform chemicals and material 2016 Lecture Andrea Kruse
Hydrothermal conversion of biomass to platform chemicals and material 2016 Lecture Andrea Kruse
Hydrothermal Conversion of rapeseed oil for biofuel production 2016 Poster Leonardo Interrante, Benedetto Schiavo, Onofrio Scialdone, Alessandro Galia, Ursel Hornung, Andrea Kruse
Hydrothermal Liquefaction of Algae
RBB - 12, Renewable Resources & Biorefineries
2016 Lecture D. Lopez-Barreiro, Frederik Ronsse, U. Hornung, W. Brilman, A. Kruse, W. Prins
Hydrothermal liquefaction of microalgae and subsequent heterogeneous catalytic upgrading of biocrude oil 2016 Lecture Diego Lopez Barreiro, Frederik Ronsse, Ursel Hornung, Andrea Kruse, Wolter Prins
Hydrothermale Umwandlung mit Kreislaufführung 2016 Lecture Andrea Kruse
Hydrothermale Verfahren zur Verflüssigung von Biomasse 2016 Lecture Andrea Kruse
Hydroxymethylfurfural, a "new" platform chemical from biomass 2016 Poster D. Wüst, P. Körner, D. Steinbach, A. Kruse
Konversionsverfahren für biogene Abfälle 2016 Lecture Andrea Kruse
Method for the production of high quality activated carbons and activated carbons produced using the method 2016 Patent Vyskocil Jan, Sahin Olga, Lai Mei Yun, Kruse Andrea
Neuartige Verwertung von Altbackwaren; DE 10 2016 111 673 A1 2016 Patent Siegel, Klaus; Rodriguez Correa, Catalina; Kruse, Andrea
Oil also from Carbohydrates: Hydrothermal liquifaction in an algae biorefinery 2016 Lecture Andrea Kruse
P-Recycling aus Klärschlamm 2016 Lecture Andrea Kruse
Phosphat-Fraktionierung nach SMT-Protokoll - Klärschlamm und dessen Karbonisate aus HTC und Pyrolyse 2016 Poster Gero C. Becker, Axel Funke, Nancy Anton, Maria Wunderlich, Andrea Kruse
Phosphate recovery for sewage sludge via hydrothermal carbonisation
RBB - 12, Renewable Resources & Biorefineries
2016 Lecture Andrea Kruse, Gero C. Becker
Phosphate recovery for sewage sludge via hydrothermal carbonisation 2016 Poster Andrea Kruse, Gero Becker
Phosphorrückgewinnung via hydrothermaler Carbonisierung (HTC) 2016 Lecture G. C. Becker, A. Kruse
Phosphorrückgewinnung via hydrothermaler Carbonisierung (HTC) 2016 Poster G. C. Becker, A. Kruse
Phosphorus reclamation - Conversion of sewage sludge to fuel and fertilizer 2016 Lecture Gero C. Becker, Andrea Kruse
Prediction of gaseous, liquid and solid mass yields from hydrothermal carbonization of biogas digestate by severity parameter
Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery
2016 Journal contribution (peer reviewed) Kay Uwe Suwelack, Dominik Wüst, Philipp Fleischmann, Andrea Kruse
Preparation of 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) from Chicory-Inulin - Optimization of Operation conditions 2016 Lecture Markus Götz, Dominik Wüst, Andrea Kruse
Process design and economics of an aluminium chloride catalysed organosolv process
Biomass Conversion Biorefinery
2016 Journal contribution (peer reviewed) Martin Schwiderski, Andrea Kruse
Process for the production of high-Quality activated carbons as well as activated carbons produced according to the process 2016 Patent Jan Vyskocil, Olga Sahin, Mei Yun Lai, Andrea Kruse
Short-term response of soil microorganisms to biochar addition in a temperate agroecosystem under soil warming 2016 Journal contribution (peer reviewed) Chris Bamminger, Christain Poll, Christina Sixt, Petra Högy, Dominik Wüst, Ellen Kandeler, Sven Marhan
Supercritical water Gasification for Biomass-based Hydrogen Production 2016 Book chapter Andrea Kruse
Wastewater Treatment - Adsorption of organic micropollutants on activated HTC-carbon derived from sewage sludge
Water Science and Technology
2016 Journal contribution (peer reviewed) Kirschhöfer, F., Sahin, O., Becker, G.C., Meffert, F., Nusser, M., Anderer, G., Kusche, S., Klaeusli, T., Kruse, A., Brenner-Weiss, G.
Wie aus Biomasse Dünger wird: Klärschlammkohle als Quelle für Phosphat 2016 Journal contribution Gero C. Becker, Andrea Kruse
Aluminiumchlorid-katalysierter Organosolv-Aufschluss von Buchenholz 2015 Journal contribution (peer reviewed) Martin Schwiderski, Andrea Kruse
An approach to unify the appraisal framework for biomass conversion systems
Biomass and Bioenergy
2015 Journal contribution (peer reviewed) Kay Suwelack, Dominik Wüst
Assessment of carbonization of wood chips using a multipurpose top-lit updraft reactor in rural areas
Book of Abstracts
2015 Poster Romuli, S; Munder, S; Wüst, D; Müller, J
Basischemikalien und Energieträger aus "nasser" Biomasse aus der Lebensmittelindustrie 2015 Lecture Andrea Kruse
Byproducts for Bioenergy - advanced firewood substitutionby simultaneous cooking and charring application 2015 Lecture Munder,S; Romuli, S; Intani, K; Wüst, D; Müller, J
Catalytic effect of aluminium chloride on the example of the conversion of sugar model compounds
Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical
2015 Journal contribution (peer reviewed) Martin Schwiderski, Andrea Kruse
Cultivation of microalgae with recovered nutrients after hydrothermal liquefaction
Algal Research
2015 Journal contribution (peer reviewed) Diego Lopez Barreiro, Manuel Bauer, Ursel Hornung, Clemens Posten, Andrea Kruse, Wolter Prins
Der Einfluss von Biochar bei der Kompostierung 2015 Poster Wüst, D; Munder, S; Kruse, A
Development of continuous HTL processing for algae-based Biorefineries 2015 Poster Diego Lopez Barreiro, Ursel Hornung, Andrea Kruse, Wolter Prins
Development of continuous HTL processing for algae-based biorefineries 2015 Lecture Diego Lopez Barreiro, Ursel Hornung, Andrea Kruse, Wolter Prins
Divergent effects of pyrochar and hydrochar on GHG emissions and microbial abundances in an arable soil 2015 Poster Chris Bamminger, Franziska Grün, Dominik Wüst, Sven Marhan
Economics of decentralized hydrothermal carbonization of biogas digestate: A casy study from Germany 2015 Lecture K. Suwelack, D. Wüst, A. Kruse
Effects of pyrochar and hydrochar on greenhouse gas emissions and microbial abundances in an arable soil 2015 Lecture Marhan, Sven, Grün, Franziska, Wüst Dominik, Bamminger, Chris
Exploitation of 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural (5-HMF) from Vegetable Waste Material - Chicory Roots 2015 Poster Dominik Wüst, Judit Pfenning, Andrea Kruse
Gasification of sugarcane bagasse in supercritical water; evaluation of alkali catalysts for maximum hydrogen production 2015 Journal contribution (peer reviewed) Mohammad Javad Sheikhdavoodi, Morteza Almassi, Mohammadali Ebrahimi-Nik, Andrea Kruse, Houshang Bahrami
Herstellung von Biochar in einem Top-lit updraft (TLUD) Reaktor 2015 Poster Munder, S; Romuli, S; Wüst, D; Müller, J
HTP-Produkte als Funktionskohlenstoff
2015 Journal contribution Catalina Rodriguez Correa, Andrea Kruse
Hydrothermal Carbonization of Biomass
Recent Advances in thermochemical Conversion of biomass
2015 Book chapter Maria Magdalena Titirici, Axel Funke, Andrea Kruse
Hydrothermal liquefaction and carbonization for fuels and materials 2015 Lecture Andrea Kruse
Hydrothermal Liquefaction of Microalgae in a Continuous Stirred-Tank Reactor
2015 Journal contribution (peer reviewed) Diego Lopez Barreiro, Blanca Rios Gomez, Ursel Hornung, Andrea Kruse, and Wolter Prins
Hydrothermal liquefaction of microalgae: Effect on the product yields of the addition of an organic solvent to separate the aqueous phase and the biocrude oil
Algal Research
2015 Journal contribution (peer reviewed) Diego Lopez Barreiro, Sascha Riede, Ursel Hornung, Andrea Kruse, Wolter Prins
Hydrothermal Liquefaction of Protein-Extracted Algae: A promising Biorefinery Route 2015 Lecture Diego Lopez Barreiro, Francisco Garcia Cuarda, Ursel Hornung, Andrea Kruse, F.Gabriel Acien Fernandez, Wolter Prins
Hydrothermale Karbonisierung
Europäische Sicherheit & Technik
2015 Working paper Kay Uwe Suwelack
Hydrothermale Karbonisierung 4. Thermische Eigenschaften der Produkte
Chemie Ingenieur Technik
2015 Journal contribution (peer reviewed) Andrea Kruse, Monika Kirchherr, Stefanie Gaag, Thomas A.Zevaco
Hydrothermale Karbonisierung: 3. Kinetisches Modell
Chemie Ingenieur Technik
2015 Journal contribution (peer reviewed) Andrea Kruse, Robert Grandl
Influence of the oil-water separation procedure in the biocrude oil yields from hydrothermal liquefaction of microalgae 2015 Poster D.López Barreiro, S. Riede, U. Hornung, A. Kruse, W. Prins
Inherent organic compounds in biochar-Their content, composition and potential toxic effects
Journal of Environmental Management
2015 Journal contribution (peer reviewed) Wolfram Buss, Ondrej Masek, Margaret Graham, Dominik Wüst
Low temperature supercritical water gasification of biomass constituents: Glucose/phenol mixtures
Biomass and Bioenergy
2015 Journal contribution (peer reviewed) Daniele Castello, Andrea Kruse, Luca Fiori
Nutrient recycling in a hydrothermal liquefaction (HTL) based algae biorefinery 2015 Lecture D.López Barreiro, M. Bauer, U. Hornung, A. Kruse, C. Posten, W. Prins
Phosphat-Dünger und Kohle aus Klärschlamm
2015 Journal contribution Gero C. Becker, Andrea Kruse
Preparation of activated carbon from hydrothermal carbonized bark 2015 Lecture M. Götz, A. Voglhuber-Slavinsky, D. Wüst, O. Sahin, A. Kruse
Process developments for a continious HTL-based algae biorefinery 2015 Lecture D.López Barreiro, U. Hornung, A. Kruse, F. Ronsse, W. Prins
Putting the "hydro" in hydrothermal - chemistry of hot water and its influence on process efficiency of hydrothermal carbonization 2015 Lecture A. Funke, T. Schäfer, A. Kruse
Recycling nutrients in the aqueous by-product from algae Hydrothermal Liquefaction (HTL) for fresh algae cultivation 2015 Poster Diego Lopez Barreiro, Manuel Bauer, Ursel Hornung, Andrea Kruse, Clemens Posten, Wolter Prins
Simultaneous biochar production and heat utilization from different biomass fuels using a TLUD reactor 2015 Contribution to conference Munder, S; Romuli, S; Intani, K; Wüst, D; Müller, J
Suitability of hydrothermal liquefaction as a conversion route to produce biofuels from macroalgae
Algal Research
2015 Journal contribution (peer reviewed) Diego Lopez Barreiro, Mario Beck, Ursel Hornung, Frederik Ronsse, Andrea Kruse, Wolter Prins
Wasser- Eine magische Zutat
2015 Journal contribution Andrea Kruse
Wastewater treatment - Adsorption of organic micropollutants and their metabolic products on activated carbon derived from sewage sludge by a HTC process 2015 Lecture Frank Kirschhöfer, Gero C. Becker, Olga Sahin
Water- A magic solvent for biomass conversion
The Journal of Supercritical Fluids
2015 Journal contribution (peer reviewed) Andrea Kruse, Nicolaus Dahmen
5-HMF aus Inulinpflanzen und Lignocellulosen 2014 Lecture David Steinbach, Dominik Wüst, Andrea Kruse
5-Hydroxymethylfurfural aus Lignocellulose- und Inulin-haltigen nachwachsenden Rohstoffen 2014 Poster D. Steinbach, P. Hespeler, A. Kruse, K. Mac Pherson, J. Sauer
Aluminiumchlorid katalysierter Organosolv- Aufschluss von Buchenholz 2014 Poster M.Schwiderski, A. Kruse
Assessing microalgae biorefinery routes for the production of biofuels via hydrothermal liquefaction
Bioresource Technology
2014 Journal contribution (peer reviewed) Diego Lopez Barreiro, Chiara Samori, Guiseppe Terranella, Ursel Hornung, Andrea Kruse, Wolter Prins
Assessment of pyrolysis and hydrothermal carbonization production of corn and olive biomass residue 2014 Poster Karaj, S; Wüst, D; Kruse, A; Müller, J
Chemical energy carriers by hydrothermal conversion of biomass 2014 Lecture Andrea Kruse
Comparison of the influence of a Lewis acid AlCl3 and a Brønsted acid HCL on the organosolv pulping of beech wood
Green Chem
2014 Journal contribution (peer reviewed) Martin Schwiderski, Andrea Kruse, Robert Grandl, Dennis Dockendorf
Gewinnung der Plattformchemikalie 5-hydroxymethylfurfural aus nachwachsenden Rohstoffen 2014 Lecture D. Steinbach, M. Schwiderski, A. Kruse
Hydrochar amendment promotes microbial immobilization of mineral nitrogen
Journal Plant Nutrition Soil Science
2014 Journal contribution (peer reviewed) Inge Bargmann, Rainer Martens, Matthias C.Rillig, Andrea Kruse,Martin Kücke
Hydrothermal Carbonization of Acrocomia Aculeata for the Production of Hydrochar and Activated Carbon 2014 Contribution to conference C.Rodriguez Correa, A.Voglhuber, D. Oberländer, D. Haupenthal, A. Kruse
Hydrothermal Liquefaction - Upgrading
Transformation of Biomass: Theory and Practice
2014 Book chapter Hornung, Ursel; Kruse, Andrea; Akgül, Gökcen
Initial and subsequent effects of hydrochar amendment on germination and nitrogen uptake of spring barley
Journal Plant Nutrition Soil Science
2014 Journal contribution (peer reviewed) Inge Bargmann, Matthias C. Rillig, Andrea Kruse, Jörg-Michael Greef, Martin Kücke
Kinetic Modelling of Hydrothermal Lignin Depolymerisation
Waste Biomass Valor
2014 Journal contribution (peer reviewed) Daniel Forchheim, Ursel Hornung, Andrea Kruse, Tatjana Sutter
Kinetics of the AlCl3 catalyzed xylan hydrolysis during Methanosolv pulping of beech wood
Royal Society of Chemistry
2014 Journal contribution (peer reviewed) Martin Schwiderski, Andrea Kruse, Robert Grandl, Dennis Dockendorf
Nährstoffrückführung bei der hydrothermalen Verflüssigung (HTL) von Mikroalgen 2014 Poster Manuel Bauer, Diego Lopez Barreiro, Ursel Hornung, Andrea Kruse
Oligomerenbildung bei der hydrothermalen Ligninverflüssigung 2014 Lecture Ursel Hornung, Daniel Beiser, Daniel Forchheim, Andrea Kruse
Phytotoxic effects of phenolic substances in hydrothermal carbonized sewage sludge 2014 Poster D. Jung, D. Wüst, A. Kruse
Supercritical Water Gasification of Glucose/Phenol Mixtures as Model Compounds for Ligno-Cellulosic Biomass
Chemical Engineering Transactions
2014 Journal contribution (peer reviewed) Daniele Castello, Andrea Kruse, Luca Fiori
Supercritical water gasification of glucose/phenol mixtures as model compounds for ligno-cellulosic biomass 2014 Lecture D. Castello, A. Kruse, L. Fiori
Supercritical water gasification of hydrochar
Chemical Engineering Research and Design
2014 Journal contribution (peer reviewed) Daniele Castello, Andrea Kruse, Luca Fiori
Symbiosis: Anaerobic Digestion and Hydrothermal Carbonization (HTC) 2014 Poster D.Wüst, K.Suwelack, H. Flaig, A. Kruse
Thermisches Verhalten von HTC-Kohle 2014 Lecture Olga Sahin, Andrea Kruse, Monika Kirchherr
Umwandlung von Biomasse in Energie - Entwicklungsstand und Potenziale 2014 Lecture Andrea Kruse
Wasser: Eine magische Zutat? Die Rolle des Wassers bei hydrothermalen Verfahren. 2014 Lecture Andrea Kruse
Wassergehalt als Reaktionsparameter bei Torrefizierung, vapothermaler und hydrothermaler Karbonisierung. Ein experimenteller Vergleich 2014 Lecture A. Funke, A. Kruse
Assessment of thermal processing of Maize waste biomass: New opportunities for exploitation as energy crop 2013 Poster karaj, S; Wüst, D; Kruse, A; Müller, J
Biomass gasification in supercritical and subcritical water: The effect of the reactor material
Chemical Engineering Journal
2013 Journal contribution (peer reviewed) Daniele Castello, Andrea Kruse, Luca Fiori
Experimental comparison of hydrothermal and vapothermal carbonization
Fuel Processing Technology
2013 Journal contribution (peer reviewed) Axel Funke, Felix Reebs, Andrea Kruse
Grüne Kohle aus Pflanzen - CO2-neutral und unerschöpflich 2013 Newspaper article Andrea Kruse
HTC-Prozesswasser: Verwertung oder Entsorgung? 2013 Contribution to conference Andrea Kruse, Dominik Wüst, Wolfram Buss, Monika Kirchherr, Katharina Stelzl
Hydrochar and Biochar Effects on Germination of Spring Barley
Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science
2013 Journal contribution (peer reviewed) I.Bargmann, M.C.Rillig, W.Buss, A.Kruse& M. Kuecke
Hydrothermal conversion of biomass to fuels and energetic materials
Current Opinion in Chemical Biology
2013 Journal contribution (peer reviewed) Andrea Kruse, Axel Funke, Maria-Magdalena Titirici
Hydrothermal disproportionation of formaldehyde at subcritical conditions
The Journal of Supercritical Fluids
2013 Journal contribution (peer reviewed) Gökcen Akgül, Andrea Kruse
Hydrothermale Karbonisierung - Stoffliche Verwertung von Prozesswasser oder Entsorgung 2013 Lecture Andrea Kruse
Properties and Degradability of Hydrothermal Carbonization Products
Journal of Environmental Quality
2013 Journal contribution (peer reviewed) Nina Eibisch, Mirjam Helfrich, Axel Don, Robert Mikutta, Andrea Kruse, Ruth Ellerbrock, Heinz Flessa
Reaktionsmodelle für die hydrothermale und solvolytische Spaltung von Lignin 2013 Lecture U. Hornung, D. Forchheim, A. Kruse
Scale-Up in Hydrothermal Carbonization 2013 Book chapter Andrea Kruse, Daniela Baris, Nicole Tröger, Peter Wieczorek
Supercritical water gasification of hydrothermal char 2013 Contribution to conference Daniele Castello, Andrea Kruse, Luca Fiori
Supercritical water gasification of organic acids and alcohols: The effect of chain length
The Journal of Supercritical Fluids
2013 Journal contribution (peer reviewed) Anand G. Chakinala, Shushil Kumar, Andrea Kruse, Sascha R.A. Kersten, Wim P.M. van Swaaij, D.W.F. (Wim) Brilman
The project bioboost - optimisation of biofuel production from residues and waste materials 2013 Lecture A. Niebel, R. Stahl, A. Kruse
The swelling and dissolution of cellulose crystallites in subcritical and supercritical water
2013 Journal contribution (peer reviewed) Lasse K. Tolonen, Paavo A. Penttilä, Ritva Serimaa, Andrea Kruse, Herbert Sixta
Thermische und hydrothermale Verflüssigung von Lignin 2013 Lecture A. Kruse
Unterschiede und Parallelen der Reaktionsmodelle für die hydrothermale und solvolytische Spaltung von Lignin 2013 Lecture U. Hornung, D. Forchheim, A. Kruse
Verfahren zur Extraktion von Furfuralen aus Biomasse DE102011053034A1 2013 Patent Jan Vyskocil, Andrea Kruse
Vorrichtung und Verfahren zur Umsetzung von Biomasse in gasförmige Produkte, Patentblatt 2013/37 11.09.2013 EP 2138 555 B1, Nr. 2138555 2013 Patent Kruse Andrea, Dahmen Nicolaus, Zimmermann Jens,Pagel Matthias
water - a "magic" tool to convert biomass 2013 Lecture Andrea Kruse
Biomass gasification in supercritical and subcritical water: kinetic tests with different reactor materials 2012 Lecture D.Castello, A. Kruse, L. Fiori
Biomass gasification in supercritical water 2012 Book chapter A. Kruse, F. Vogel, J. Van Bennekom, R. Venderbosch
Charakterisierung steam explodierter Lignine und Einfluss auf die basenkatalysiertedepolymerisation 2012 Lecture M.Schwiderski, A. Kruse, D. Forchheim
Charakterisierung von Ligninen nach der Steam Explosion 2012 Lecture M.Schwiderski, A. Kruse
Chemical energy carries from thermo-chemical conversion of biomass 2012 Lecture N. Dahmen, N. Boukis, A. Kruse, K. Raffelt, R. Stahl
Effect of Reaction Temperature and Type of Catalyst on Hydrogen Production in Supercritical Water Gasification of Biomass
Journal of Babol Noshirvani University of Technology
2012 Journal contribution (peer reviewed) Ebrahimi-Nik Mohammadali, Mohammad Javad Sheikhdavoodi, Morteza Almassi, Andrea Kruse, Houshang Bahrami
High pressure in renewable energy processes. 2012 Book chapter N. Dahmen, A. Kruse
Hydrothermal conversion of biomass and different model compounds
Journal of Supercritical Fluids
2012 Journal contribution (peer reviewed) A. Sinag, A. Kruse, P. Maniam
Hydrothermal hydrogenation of catechol on a Raney-nickel catalyst 2012 Lecture D. Forchheim, M. Nono, U. Hornung, A. Kruse
Hydrothermale Karbonisierung (HTC) - Grundlagen 2012 Lecture Andrea Kruse
Hydrothermale Karbonisierung (HTC) und der Nährstoffkreislauf 2012 Lecture O. Sahin, D. Wüst, A. Kruse
Hydrothermale Karbonisierung: 2. Kinetik der Biertreber-Umwandlung
Chemie Ingenieur Technik
2012 Journal contribution (peer reviewed) A. Kruse, F. Badoux, R. Grandl, D. Wüst
Hydrothermale Spaltung von Lignin zur Herstellung von Phenolen 2012 Lecture D. Forchheim, T. Sutter, U. Hornung, A. Kruse
Hydrothermale Verflüssigung von Biomasse. Biomasse: Konversion zu hochwertigen chemischen Produkten 2012 Lecture Andrea Kruse
Influence of RANEY nickel on the formation of intermediates in the degradation of lignin
International Journal of Chemical Engineering
2012 Journal contribution (peer reviewed) U.Hornung, P. Kempe, A. Kruse, D. Steinbach
Influence of salts on the subcritical water-gas shift reaction.
Journal of Supercritical Fluids
2012 Journal contribution (peer reviewed) G.Akgül, A. Kruse
Modeling the Lignin Degradation Kinetics in a Ethanol/Formic Acid Solvolysis Approach. Part 2. Validation and Transfer to Variable Conditions
Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research
2012 Journal contribution (peer reviewed) Daniel Forchheim, James R. Gasson, Ursel Hornung, Andrea Kruse, Tanja Barth
Modeling the lignin degradation kinetics in an ethanol/formic acid solvolysis approach. Part 1. Kinetc model development
Industrie and Engineering Chemistry Research
2012 Journal contribution (peer reviewed) J.R.Gasson, D.Forchheim, T.Sutter, U. Hornung, A. Kruse, T. Barth
Simple kinetic approaches for hydrothermal carbonization of biomass 2012 Lecture A.Kruse, R.Grandl, D.Wüst, F.Badoux
Sub- and supercritical water 2012 Book chapter A. Kruse, E. Dinjus
Supercritical water gasification 2012 Lecture Andrea Kruse