Press Releases:

Research projects sustainability

Launch of the ReMIX project:
Redesigning European cropping systems based on species MIXtures

EU agriculture needs to develop transition pathways towards agroecology-based, resilient and sustainable farming systems, combining the goals of ensuring productivity with achieving environmentally, economically and socially sustainable development. Exploiting diversity in cropping systems through the use of species mixtures can support achieving the ambitious goal of feeding...more

Beans, Peas, Soy & Co.:
EU Project Promotes Cultivation of Pulses in Europe

Fewer imports, less fertiliser, more sustainability - there are good reasons for expanding the cultivation of pulses in Europe. Up to the present, the valuable protein-rich plants are cultivated in very few areas. The EU project TRUE with partners from 10 countries wants to change that. Researchers from the University of Hohenheim are part of the project. They are examining...more

Innovation in the European Bioeconomy:
15 million euro project optimizes value chains for miscanthus and hemp

There are three essential conditions for further developing the bioeconomy as a sustainable alternative to fossil oil: sustainable products with strong market potential, a reliable and affordable supply of sustainably produced biomass, and a better link between biomass producers and the processing industry. Other important factors include avoiding competition with food...more

Droughts & Digitalization:
University of Hohenheim Wants to Use Big Data to Protect Against Droughts

Climate change is here, and in Europe droughts and crop failures are already increasing. To arm agriculture, business, and society against this, a research team at the University of Hohenheim is not only relying on plant breeding and adapted cultivation methods. They are looking to find the breakthrough in the increasing digitalization and the Internet of Things. For this...more

Biodiversity Day at Germany's Most Biodiverse Campus

Everybody who loves nature and would enjoy experiencing the diversity of species at our doorstep is welcome. Biodiversity Day is about finding as many plant and animal species within a self-selected area over the course of 24 hours. The target: to tally 1,000 species on the university campus with the help of zoologists, botanists and landscape ecologists of the University of...more

Fighting Poverty & Conserving Resources:
Solutions for humanity’s problems are complex - yet possible

The ground is fertile: During the course of the next two days, 200 researchers will be formally wrapping up 12 years of intensive problem analysis, innovative developments and contributions towards sustainable development. However, parallel to the completion of the collaborative research centre (SFB), the insights won are already being put into practice. With regards to this,...more

Bioenergy, World Food Issues & Biodiversity:
Environmental conference organised by the University of Hohenheim offers forum for debate and dialogue

Bioenergy, world food issues and biological diversity are often perceived to be in opposition to each other. The University of Hohenheim deals with all of them as the focus of its many on-going research projects. Scientists and visitors to the upcoming conference intent to intensify the dialogue and debate regarding these issues. The 38th "Umwelttagung" sponsored by the...more

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