Finally delicious:
New proteins to revolutionize gluten-free baked goods

Daisies, peas, canola, etc.: In these mini test loaves, alternative proteins give a fluffy, airy texture that can otherwise only be achieved with gluten. | Image source: University of Hohenheim / Oliver Reuther

Doctoral candidate Natalie Feller portions the bread dough with alternative proteins instead of gluten into the mini loaf pans for the baking line 30g at a time. | Image source: University of Hohenheim / Oliver Reuther

Like a model train, the 30g baking pans with gluten-free bread varieties line up on the mini baking line. | Image source: Unger+ / Frank Roller

What gives doughs the desired fluffiness: vegetable proteins (l.) or saponins (m.)?| Image source: University of Hohenheim/Corinna Schmid

Smell and taste-testing: What can the alternative proteins in the test breads really do? | Image source: Unger+ / Frank Roller