Hohenheim's Spirits Rise Again to the Top  [04.10.13]

Best Spirits Award 2013: German Agricultural Society (DLG) recognizes products by Research and Teaching Distillery

Gold for Weinhefebrand and Whisky, silver for plum und Himbeergeist and bronze for Apfelbrand: the products made by the Research and Teaching Distillery of the University of Hohenheim have been proving their highest quality for years in tests conducted by the German Agricultural Society (DLG). That's why the University has been awarded a prize for being among the best spirits in 2013.

Read the full article (in German).

Text: Leonhardmair

Contact for press:

Prof. Dr. Ralf Kölling-Paternoga, Universität Hohenheim, Forschungs- und Lehrbrennerei
Tel.: 0711 459-22310, E-Mail: koelling@uni-hohenheim.de

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