Sixth Time in a Row:
Prof. Dr. Dabbert Most Popular University President in the State  [10.02.20]

President of the University of Hohenheim in second place nationwide in the University President Ranking by the German Association of University Professors and Lecturers, just behind Prof. Dr. Michael Hoch from the University of Bonn

This year he is again the most popular university president in Baden-Württemberg: Prof. Dr. Stephan Dabbert from the University of Hohenheim in Stuttgart received this recognition for the sixth time in a row. That is the result of the University President Ranking published today by the German Association of University Professors and Lecturers. Nationwide, Prof. Dr. Dabbert (grade 1.56) is very close behind the first place winner, Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Michael Hoch from the University of Bonn (grade 1.55). Third place is held by Prof. Dr. Johannes Wessels from the University of Münster (grade 1.70). Prof. Dr. Dabbert has been at the top of the state list since 2015, and in 2016 he was awarded the title of Germany's most popular president. In the vote for the “Science Minister of the Year,” State Minister of Science, Research and Arts Theresia Bauer came in fourth place. Detailed ranking under

"Prof. Dabbert is creative, open, decisive, and exceptionally socially competent. He is a gift and an absolute stroke of luck for the University of Hohenheim" - this was highlighted by one of the comments submitted for the ranking. And not only the majority of the comments are positive: 88.5 percent of the participants attest Prof. Dabbert to be the "ideal person for the position" or a "very good person for the position.”

The ranking is based on a scale ranging from "ideal person for the position" to "worst possible person for the position." From the evaluations on this scale, the German Association of University Professors and Lecturers (DHV) determines a ranking using the German school grading system.

Nationwide, this year Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Michael Hoch from the University of Bonn is the most popular university president with a school grade of 1.55. Third place is held by Prof. Dr. Johannes Wessels from the University of Münster (grade 1.70). Prof. Dr. Dabbert joins the ranks in between with a grade of 1.56.

"Science Minister of the Year 2020" is Katharina Fegebank, Hamburg's Senator for Science, Research and Equality. Her average rating is 2.50. In second place is the previous year's winner, Minister Prof. Dr. Armin Willingmann from Saxony-Anhalt with an average rating of 2.51, followed by Dr. Eva Maria Stange, Minister in Saxony with a grade of 2.75. Baden-Württemberg's Science Minister Theresia Bauer is just behind in 4th place with a score of 2.76.

President is a “stroke of luck for the University of Hohenheim” - and vice-versa

"I am very pleased about receiving the award again - and congratulate Prof. Dr. Michael Hoch warmly on winning first place nationwide," stated Prof. Dr. Dabbert. However, the University of Hohenheim was above all a "gift and absolute stroke of luck" for him: "At this innovative university with so many creative minds that give me support even in difficult situations, I really enjoy my work. I would like to thank all the members of the university for that support."

If the members work together, the University could also go far in the future. "As a small, highly specialized university, we have made bioeconomy the focus of our structural and development plan - supplemented by the cross-cutting theme of 'digital transformation'," said President Prof. Dr. Dabbert. "The importance of the bioeconomy is also reflected in the fact that the year 2020 has been declared the 'Science Year 2020 Bioeconomy.'”

BACKGROUND: The award “President of the Year”

With the award “President of the Year” (“Rektor des Jahres”), the German Association of University Professors and Lecturers (DHV) honors the model management of the chosen candidate. The DHV is a professional association of scientists and researchers in Germany. The direction and execution of the ranking, which includes 57 universities this year, lies with the Center for Evaluation and Methods (Zentrum für Evaluation und Methoden) at the University of Bonn. The right to vote is conferred to association members who are personally invited to evaluate their rector / president. 5,559 researchers and scientists took part in this year’s voting. In order to be ranked, presidents had to receive at least 30 evaluations.

The honor “President of the Year” will be awarded on 6 April 2020 at the German Science Gala in Berlin. Detailed results will be published in the March edition of the journal “Forschung & Lehre”. More information can be found at

Overview of all winners of the award “Rektor des Jahres”:

2020 Prof. Dr. Michael Hoch, University of Bonn
2019 Prof. Dr. Lambert Koch, University of Wuppertal
2018 Prof. Dr. Johannes Wessels, University of Münster
2017 Prof. Dr. Lambert Koch, University of Wuppertal
2016 Prof. Dr. Stephan Dabbert, University of Hohenheim
2015 Prof. Dr. Helmut J. Schmidt, TU Kaiserslautern
2014 Prof. Dr. Lambert Koch, University of Wuppertal
2013 Prof. Dr. Jan-Hendrik Olbertz, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
2012 Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Herrmann, TU München
2011 Prof. Dr. Lambert Koch, University of Wuppertal
2010 Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Schareck, University of Rostock
2009 Prof. Dr. Elmar Weiler, Ruhr-Universität Bochum

Text: Elsner

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