Masters for Managers:
The Universität Hohenheim plans to enter the advanced education market  [11.04.08]

The first commercial Executive MBA programme with the Paris HEC Management School for top executives from business
17 April 2008 from 10:00am onwards:
Information event and signing of a Letter of Intent in the Hohenheim Palace

The Universität Hohenheim wants to use its first commercial Masters course to close a gaping hole in the regional educational landscape for business executives. Its proposed partner is the renowned Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commerciales de Paris (HEC). The organising body for the project is a new Centre for Management Development, that will finance itself, without public and private subsidies, solely from fees from students and private foundations. Further details will be made available at the information event, attended by the Chairman of the University Council of the Universität Hohenheim and Professors from all the universities involved, on the occasion of the signing of the Letter of Intent between the HEC and the Universität Hohenheim.

The Universität Hohenheim has gained one of the world’s most renowned partners for this project in the HEC Paris. “The HEC Paris is regarded as France’s leading Grande Ecole de Management and is near the top of all the worldwide ranking listings. In recent years it has been named the best Business School in Europe by the Financial Times,“ explains Prof. Dr. Christoph Müller, Dean of the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences at the Universität Hohenheim.

From January 2009, the International Executive MBA programme will train business managers and executives, who already have between 5 and 12 years of professional experience and wish to qualify for more senior management positions and responsibility. The programme comprises 11 week-long blocks, four of which will be provided in Paris, four in Hohenheim, two either in America or in Asia and a further one at a Business School in Europe.

“In Economic Sciences we need intensive interaction with business in order to ensure that the acknowledged high level of education that we provide is “fit and ready for the future“. This MBA is the result of us acting upon a demand in business to maintain, and even intensify our access to key companies,“ states the Rector of the Universität Hohenheim, Prof. Dr. Hans-Peter Liebig, explaining the step. He goes on, drawing metaphors from the confectionery industry, “If we regard Hohenheim’s Economics as a particularly successful cake, then this very specialised MBA is the cherry on the cake: a little embellishment that enhances the whole cake wonderfully.“

However it is critical that the expansion plans were not at the expense of the tight resources of the Universität Hohenheim. A Centre for Management Development will take over the implementation of the programme, financed by a private foundation. The benefactors include the Karl Schlecht Foundation, based in Aichtal, via the Entrepreneurship Endowed Chair at the Universität Hohenheim. “We will hire out the space required for four week-long blocks every year at standard rates and charge rent for this.“

Text: Klebs

Contact for press:

Prof. Dr. oec. Christoph Müller, University of Hohenheim, Dean of the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences
Tel.: +49-711-459-23586, E-Mail:

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