CEWS University Ranking
University of Hohenheim No. 1 in Equality in Baden-Württemberg  [24.09.15]

Center of Excellence Women and Science (CEWS) ranks support for women / University of Hohenheim gets top spots, e.g. in increase of proportion of female scientists

Best support for women in the state: In Baden-Württemberg, the University of Hohenheim is no. 1 together with the University of Tübingen. Nationwide, they are among the top twelve universities with the best support for women. This was shown by the current university ranking from the Centre of Excellence Women and Science CEWS. Especially the proportion of female scientists has risen in Hohenheim in recent years compared to other universities in Germany.

In detail, the proportion of female professors at the University of Hohenheim increased between 2008 to 2013 from 7.1% to 21.2%. The University of Hohenheim thereby came in second place in the category after the private Hertie School of Governance in Berlin.

The proportion of female research associates at the University of Hohenheim also rose during the same timeframe from 43.9% to 45.1%, an increase of 1.2 percentage points. With this figure, Hohenheim is also in the top group compared to other German universities. Leading this category are the Theological Faculty at the University of Trier (increase of 25.9%), the University of Paderborn (increase of 11.1%) and the Zeppelin University in Friedrichshafen (31.8%).

The University of Hohenheim was also in the best one-fourth of German universities for post-docs. The proportion of women completing post-doctoral lecturing qualifications (habilitation) was 55.6%, the proportion of female junior professors was even 100% - with a total of three junior professorships. The University of Hohenheim received mid-range scores for the proportion of female research associates (45.1%), the proportion of women completing doctorates (48.5%), and the proportion of female professors (21.2%).
You can read more at: www.gesis.org/fileadmin/cews/www/download/CEWS_Ranking2015.pdf

Text: A. Schmid / Klebs

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