Student Survey:
CareerCenter Hohenheim Ranks First among German Universities  [06.12.21]

Germany-wide Trendence survey shows: Students of business administration and economics the CareerCenter Hohenheim as a stepping stone to their career

Preparing to start a career while still studying - more and more students know how important this is, and they also appreciate the special services offered by the CareerCenter at the University of Hohenheim in Stuttgart. This is now clearly shown by the results of a Germany-wide survey of business and economics students conducted by the independent consulting and market research company Trendence: Among all German universities, the CareerCenter Hohenheim landed in first place, together with the TU Munich. Students are interested especially in offers with a practical focus, such as advertisements for student jobs and internships. But company presentations, announcements of final theses, and vacation jobs are also important to students.

"We are particularly pleased with the first place among all universities," said Günter Wörl, director of the CareerCenter at the University of Hohenheim. "From the very beginning, we have made great efforts to improve contact between students and companies while the students are still here at the university. This allows students to gain their first work experience and make valuable contacts."

As the Trendence survey shows, both the individual counseling and coaching services offered by the CareerCenter Hohenheim and the career events meet with a very high level of interest among Hohenheim students and achieve particularly high satisfaction scores.

CareerCenter: Advisor and mediator between studies and professional careers

The CareerCenter Hohenheim (CCH) is the central counselling and service institution for students and graduates and serves as the first point of contact for employers seeking to get in touch with students or present their business on campus.

“We’re advisors and mediators between studies and professional careers as well as between students and companies,” stated Günter Wörl regarding the CCH’s self-image. "Through numerous services, we bring both sides together and promote transfer."

Offer based on three pillars: Individual consulting, continuing education, and company contact fairs

Essentially, the CCH's services rest on three pillars. "It starts with individual student advising. For example, if requested, we will look through application documents and provide our feedback. For those who are still undecided about which direction to take, a career orientation test can help," Günter Wörl said, listing just a few of the CCH's offers.

The second pillar is the continuing education program on the F.I.T. platform. The courses are designed to promote personal and professional development as well as professional qualification: "Here, we offer content that is not necessarily part of the degree program but can be important in the profession, such as project management skills."

Two company contact fairs per year form the third pillar, which is supplemented by a job database for direct entry, internships, student traineeships, and part-time jobs.

Preparing for career entry while still studying

"This allows us to support students throughout their studies as they prepare for their future careers. Already in the early stages of their studies, they gain a first insight into professional life, for example, through the information events, seminars, internships, and more," Günter Wörl stated.

"Toward the end of the program," he continued, "we help through the career fairs, company presentations, our job and application databases, and one-on-one counseling and as well as contacts to business and industry."

BACKGROUND: Trendence survey
The Berlin-based consulting and market research company Trendence surveys students throughout Germany every year. A total of more than 17,500 business and economics students participated in the WiWi-Edition surveys at the end of 2019.

BACKGROUND: Overview of business administration and economics programs

In Hohenheim, the Bachelor’s level economics and business degree programs include Business Administration and Economics, Information Systems (in cooperation with the University of Stuttgart), Education for Business and Economics, and Communication Science. The Master’s programs include Economics, International Business and Economics, Management, Information Systems (in cooperation with the University of Stuttgart), Education for Business and Economics, Finance (part-time), Communication Management, Communication Science and Media Research, and Bioeconomy (with the Faculties of Agricultural and Natural Sciences).

Text: Stuhlemmer / Klebs

Contact for press:

Günter Wörl, Universität Hohenheim, CareerCenter Hohenheim,
T +49 711 459 22066, E

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