Anniversary Year 2018:
Countdown to the 200th Anniversary of the University of Hohenheim Has Already Started  [20.11.17]

Now on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram (#hohenheim200): University of Hohenheim gives insights into anniversary preparations / program coming soon at

From a research and teaching academy with the purpose of fighting famine and economic crisis to its scientific work today: In its 200th anniversary year, the University of Hohenheim in Stuttgart builds a bridge from its founding mission to the current questions about the future of humankind regarding bioeconomy, global nutrition, climate change, health, social inequality, and the future of work. The program and further information can be found at; Anniversary countdown and reports on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

At its press conference, the University of Hohenheim served media representatives a very special bread and wine. The so-called “hunger bread” and anniversary wine, a research product from the University’s own vineyard.

The hunger bread that was broken at the press conference is derived from a recipe from the famine years 1817/18, when the desperate population kneaded bark, straw, and sawdust into bread dough. The bread served at the press conference, in contrast, was a new interpretation full of fiber that conforms to current food legislation.

The reason for the historical hunger bread was catastrophic failed harvests in 1817, the “year without a summer,” caused by the eruption of the Indonesian volcano Tambora. The eruption spread a cloud of ash that changed the climate worldwide. To fight the suffering, King William and Queen Catharine von Württemberg founded the agricultural teaching and experimental institute Hohenheim in 1818 - the nucleus of the later University of Hohenheim.

The anniversary wine from the “Regent” variety is an example of current research. In light of decreasing precipitation, increasing temperatures, and earlier harvest maturity due to human-driven climate change, University of Hohenheim researchers are working toward teaching “Regent” how to conserve water. Its resistance to fungi is also important so that it does not have to be treated as frequently.

For the first time, the University of Hohenheim produced the anniversary wine in its own oak barrel. The effect: a fine vanilla-cinnamon flavor. The specialty was served and described by the newly crowned Württemberg wine queen Carolin Klöckner. The 22-year-old is studying Agricultural Sciences at the University of Hohenheim in her third semester.

Focus on scientists’ work on issues for the future

In the upcoming anniversary year, the University of Hohenheim will concentrate on the important questions facing humankind in the future that are being worked on here today. “In 2018, we want to present the entire spectrum of university life and research to our guests. Topics like nutrition and health, climate, water, and ecosystems, but also bioeconomy play just as much of a role as the cultural aspects of campus life,” said the University President Prof. Dr. Stephan Dabbert.

Three festive events stand out during the year. They will start with the festive anniversary kick-off on 17 January 2018. In the summer, from 2-7 July 2018 the University will celebrate an entire week with numerous festive events and celebrations. The culmination will be the ceremonial act with an honor reception and public light show at the Palace on 20 November 2018, the day on which the University of Hohenheim was founded.

These highlights will be surrounded by around 150 exhibitions, events, and scientific conferences for the public and the international expert community. The events include innovative formats such as the Science Pub or the Café Scientifique, or the premiere of an anniversary symphony and a special theater production.

“Humboldt reloaded” project plans anniversary beer made by students

Special contributions will also come from the award-winning teaching project “Humboldt reloaded,” with which the University of Hohenheim offers Bachelor’s students the chance to work on new research questions in small groups.

In interdisciplinary cooperation among the agricultural, natural, and business and economic sciences, students work on research questions related to the topic of beer in the Humboldt reloaded project “Hops and malt - Hohenheim has it.” At the end, together with the cooperation partner Schönbuch Bräu, an anniversary beer is to put on the market - complete with a label from the Humboldt reloaded project.

International networks bring guests from all over the world

Internationally, the University of Hohenheim will act as a host for several congresses, conferences, and colloquia in its anniversary year. These include, for example, the “Ecofruit - 18th International Conference on Organic Fruit Growing” from the Ecofruit Network and the Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Obstbau; the INEPA workshop “Inequality and Aging” in cooperation with Stanford University, the Harvard School of Public Health, Fudan University, the WDA Forum (CH), and the WHO (CH); the “ISEKI Food Conference” in cooperation with the European Association for Integrating Food Science and Engineering Knowledge Into Food Chain; or the Congress FOOD 2030 from the Hohenheim Research Center for Global Food Security and Ecosystems, the Hohenheim Research Center for Health Sciences, the Food Security Center, and the Hans Ruthenberg Institute.

Additional summer schools, the Office of International Affairs’ International Week, an International Day on the topic of studying abroad, farewell events for outgoings and a two-day International Student Fair highlight the international character of studying at the University.

Hohenheim Table as a new form of internal communication

A unique social meeting point will be the Hohenheim Table in the inner Palace courtyard during the summer months. 270 people can have a seat in front of the historic backdrop of the baroque Palace for outdoor meetings, brown bag lectures, blind dates, or social get-togethers. The Table can be reserved from 7 June - 7 July or used spontaneously.

The University of Hohenheim also started an unusual form of cooperation with the neighboring Florist School. As part of their master craftsmen’s examination, 7 of the current master students will have the task of interpreting the University’s research areas such as “bioeconomy,” “global nutrition,” “computer modelling,” or “social inequality” as a floral sculpture. The results will be displayed in an art exhibition from 21-23 July 2018 in the Hohenheim Palace.

In Advent: Anniversary products in the University shop

Those who are already ready to get in the mood for the anniversary or are looking for the right Christmas present will be able to find something in the Uni-Shop starting on 1 December 2017. The offers will be continually expanded during the anniversary year. Practical and pretty things such as hoodies, hats, bags, powerbanks, and fountain pens are planned. Extra anniversary products are glitter globes and rubber ducks. The products are available in the campus bookstore Wittwer or in the Uni-Shop at

In cooperation with the University of Hohenheim, the bakery Treiber will also present a special anniversary bread starting in February. In contrast to the hunger bread from 200 years ago, it will contain important whole grains - and it will be delicious. It was developed together with the Department of Process Analytics and Cereal Science at the University of Hohenheim.

Joint activities with other institutions celebrating their anniversaries

Besides the internal University initiatives, the University of Hohenheim will also participate in the anniversary functions of other institutions. The famines and economic crises led not only to the founding of the later university 200 years ago, it also led to the founding of a savings bank, the agricultural festival as a location for knowledge transfer, and the founding of the Queen Catherine Foundation as an institution for girls’ education.

The University of Hohenheim will therefore work together at joint events with the state bank of Baden-Württemberg as the successor organization of the former savings bank, have a booth at the agricultural festival, and will present several exhibits from the University’s own German Agricultural Museum at Stuttgart’s historic fair. Students of the Queen Catherin Foundation will be invited to the Hohenheim Table during the anniversary year with a special program, and in return the University of Hohenheim will support the school’s sponsored run.

Johanna Lembens-Schiel, Prof. Dr. Harald Hagemann, President Prof. Dr. Stephan Dabbert, Picture: University of Hohenheim / Sacha Dauphin

Johanna Lembens-Schiel, Prof. Dr. Harald Hagemann, President Prof. Dr. Stephan Dabbert, Picture: University of Hohenheim / Sacha Dauphin


Countdown, program, and ongoing reporting on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter Under #hohenheim200 or #unihohenheim, the University of Hohenheim has already started reporting on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter with a weekly countdown and additional posts. In the anniversary year, it will expand its reporting on social media. A complete overview can be found on the anniversary homepage at


The Media & Marketing Director Florian Klebs, Dr. Nikolaus Merkt from the Department of Quality of Plant Products, Prof. Dr. Bernd Hitzmann from the Department of Process Analytics and Cereal Science, President Prof. Dr. Dabbert, Prof. Dr. Hagemann, Johanna Lembens-Schiel | Picture: University of Hohenheim / Sacha Dauphin

The Media & Marketing Director Florian Klebs, Dr. Nikolaus Merkt from the Department of Quality of Plant Products, Prof. Dr. Bernd Hitzmann from the Department of Process Analytics and Cereal Science, President Prof. Dr. Dabbert, Prof. Dr. Hagemann, Johanna Lembens-Schiel
Picture: University of Hohenheim / Sacha Dauphin

Printed programs can be ordered by contacting or +49 711 459 24231.

Thanks for the supporters

The festivities can be so extensive thanks to the financial support of the University’s special friends and patrons, emphasized the President, Prof. Dr. Stephan Dabbert. “I would like to personally thank these individuals, companies, and institutions.”

The anniversary year is being supported with sponsoring from:

  • AGCO GmbH
  • Erdgas Südwest GmbH
  • Grimme Landmaschinenfabrik GmbH & Co. KG
  • Hybro Saatzucht GmbH & Co. KG
  • Landeskreditbank Baden-Württemberg
  • Landesverband der Maschinenringe in BW e. V.
  • Lechler GMBH
  • Wilfried Müller KG Groß Süstedt
  • Norddeutsche Pflanzenzucht Hans-Georg Lemke KG
  • PETKUS Technologie GmbH 
  • Pioneer Hi-Bred International
  • QS Qualität und Sicherheit GmbH
  • Sehne Backwaren KG
  • Südwestdeutschen Saatzucht GmbH & Co. KG
  • WALA Heilmittel GmbH
  • Zott SE & Co. KG


Additional donors for the University’s anniversary include

President Prof. Dr. Dabbert, Johanna Lembens-Schiel, Wine Queen Carolin Klöckner, Prof. Dr. Hagemann | Picture: University of Hohenheim / Sacha Dauphin

President Prof. Dr. Dabbert, Johanna Lembens-Schiel, Wine Queen Carolin Klöckner, Prof. Dr. Hagemann
Picture: University of Hohenheim / Sacha Dauphin

  • Daimler AG
  • EDEKA Südwest Fleisch GmbH
  • Oskar und Elisabeth Farny-Stiftung



Additional information
Program & all anniversary information

Anniversary with #hohenheim200 on Facebook

Anniversary with #hohenheim200 on Instagram

Anniversary with #hohenheim200 on Twitter



President Prof. Dr. Dabbert and Wine Queen Carolin Klöckner | Picture: University of Hohenheim / Sacha Dauphin

President Prof. Dr. Dabbert and Wine Queen Carolin Klöckner
Picture: University of Hohenheim / Sacha Dauphin

Text: Klebs

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