Sick bee populations:
Nearly a quarter won't make it through the winter  [13.12.12]

Bee researchers are currently assessing the results of a collaborative project concerning pathogenic Varroa mites.

Pathogenic parasites: Bee populations throughout Germany have all been struck by Varroa mites, yet with varying effects. The tiny spider-like parasites feed off the blood of bees, thus contributing to the spread of disease. However, substantial differences have been observed between different regions and bee populations. Researchers at the Agricultural State Institute in Hohenheim estimate that 23% of the entire German bee population will not survive this winter.

Read the full article (in German).

Underside of a Varroa mite  / Source: University of Hohenheim/Bettina Ziegelmann

Underside of a Varroa mite / Source: University of Hohenheim/Bettina Ziegelmann

Text: Weik / Klebs

Contact for press:

Dr. Annette Schroeder, Universität Hohenheim, Landesanstalt für Bienenkunde, Tel.: 0711/459 22678, E-Mail:

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