Rankings 2017:
University of Hohenheim Ranked 1st in Agricultural Research & Food Sciences Four Times  [11.10.17]

Today’s edition of the research ranking from National Taiwan University completes University of Hohenheim’s successful series

In agricultural research and food sciences, all renowned research rankings attest to the University of Hohenheim in Stuttgart having the highest level of research in Germany. At the conclusion of the 2017 ranking season, today’s NTU ranking of the world’s best research universities placed the University of Hohenheim 1st in Germany, 5th in Europe, and 15th worldwide. The NTU ranking is based on the number and quality of scientific publications. In spring 2017 the Best Global Universities Ranking from the magazine U.S. News & World Report, the QS Ranking, and the CWUR subject ranking (published for the first time) placed the University of Hohenheim as Germany’s current no. 1 in agricultural research.

The four most important international research rankings are in agreement: In 2017, the University of Hohenheim not only defended its top position as Germany’s number 1 in agricultural research, food, and nutrition science.

This week the current ranking from National Taiwan University confirmed this in an impressive way. Each year, the NTU evaluates all international scientific publications for the globally respected ranking and weights the publications according to scientific productivity, excellence, and influence. Only the best 300 universities are published.

The University of Hohenheim’s Food Science programs also contribute to the good result in “Field Agricultural Sciences.” The National Taiwan University counts their research performance within the area of Agricultural Sciences.

Continual Advancement in International Comparison

Especially pleasing: in comparison across Europe and the world, the University of Hohenheim has continually improved its position in recent years. Currently, the NTU places it as number 5 in Europe (2016: no. 5, 2015: no. 7) and number 15 in the world (2016: no. 16; 2015: no. 21).

The top position in Germany is also confirmed by all other prominent international rankings:

  • The current Best Global Universities Ranking places the University of Hohenheim’s agricultural research including food and nutrition science 1st in Germany, 3rd in Europe, and 9th in the world. The magazine “U.S. News & World Report” bases its subject ranking on an analysis of Thomson Reuters’ Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) on scientific publications and international reputation. It was published in January 2017.
  • The influential QS World University Ranking lists the University of Hohenheim’s agricultural research including food science 1st in Germany, 8th in Europe, and 31st worldwide. Quacquarelli Symons, a British education provider, ranks the best universities according to research, academic reputation, and publications each year. The subject rankings were published in March 2017.
  • In the analysis by the CWUR World University Rankings, the University of Hohenheim was the only university in Germany to achieve two top ten rankings in the area of agricultural sciences. Both in plant production and horticulture, the Center for World University Rankings (CWUR) ranked the University 7th worldwide. The Center for World University Rankings published its first evaluation for individual scientific subjects in April 2017.


World’s Top Universities Cooperate Closely

The President at the University of Hohenheim, Prof. Dr. Stephan Dabbert, was also pleased by the other universities that were with Hohenheim in the top five of agricultural research. These include the Universities of Wageningen (Netherlands), Ghent (Belgium), Copenhagen, and Aarhus (both in Denmark).

The University of Hohenheim has cooperated closely with Wageningen and Copenhagen as the best universities in these countries within the Euroleague for Life Sciences. This network is made up of joint study programs and intensive exchange of students and instructors. President Prof. Dr. Dabbert sees this ranking result as a confirmation, as well.

The University also cooperates closely with the top universities abroad. For example, the University of Hohenheim and the China Agricultural University have cooperated for several decades. The University of Hohenheim is linked to the University Sao Paulo through the Strategic Network for Bio-based Economy.

Top Five in Agricultural Research & Food Sciences in Germany, Europe, and the World (Source: NTU Ranking)

1. University of Hohenheim
2. Technical University of Munich
3. University of Bonn
4. University of Göttingen
5. University of Bayreuth

1. University of Wageningen (Netherlands)
2. University of Ghent (Belgium)
3. University of Copenhagen (Denmark)
4. University of Aarhus (Denmark)
5. University of Hohenheim (Germany)

1. University of Wageningen (Netherlands)
2. China Agricultural University
3. University of California – Davis (USA)
4. University of Sao Paulo (Brazil)
5. Cornell University (USA)

15. University of Hohenheim

Additional information
Strongest agricultural research (according to NTU ranking) in Germany
Strongest agricultural research (according to NTU ranking) in Europe
Strongest agricultural research (according to NTU ranking) in the world



Text: Klebs

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