Business and Economics Offer Top-Class Teaching  [05.05.20]

Outstanding report card for business and economic course offerings at the University of Hohenheim / Prospective students can see for themselves at online Bachelor’s information week from May 13-15

Top in the range of courses offered, in career orientation, and in reference to cutting-edge science: In the ranking published today by the Center for Higher Education Development (CHE), students at the University of Hohenheim in Stuttgart exclusively awarded grades in the top range. Students currently thinking about going to college can see for themselves next week. During the Bachelor’s Informational Week from May 13 to 15, 2020, the University of Hohenheim will present its range of courses in web seminars, live chats, and online tours of the campus.

The first-class offer makes itself felt right at the beginning of the studies: In the category "Support at the start of studies," the University of Hohenheim received 4 out of 5 points in each of the categories "competence building" and "support/advice".

For the rest of the degree program, the Center for Higher Education Development (CHE) asked students to rate their universities with German school grades (1=best, 6=worst). Here, the University of Hohenheim only received grades in the one and two range. Particularly good ratings were given to the range of courses offered, the career orientation offerings, and the academic relevance.

Bachelor’s Information Week from May 13 to 15, 2020, offers detailed info

Above all, students interested in more details can get more information first-hand during the Bachelor’s Information Week, May 13-15, 2020. On these days, the University of Hohenheim will present its degree programs in web seminars, chats, and virtual tours.

Friday, May 15, in particular, is devoted to intensive offerings in economics, business education, and information systems. More information can be found at:

Result confirms further development in recent years

"We are pleased with the positive feedback from this year's CHE ranking," stated Prof. Dr. Kasten Hadwich as Dean of the Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences. "It confirms that, from the students' point of view, we have an attractive and diverse range of courses that enable them to prepare for their future careers in line with their interests and talents. Going forward, we will continue to work closely to develop our degree programs along the needs of students and labor markets."

As the Dean of Studies, Prof. Dr. Jörg Schiller added: "The current CHE ranking confirms the results of our work. The introductory week and supplementary offers to first-year students, such as research-based learning, are excellently received and evaluated. We continue to lead the field in Germany in terms of the opportunity to set individual priorities and the breadth of the courses offered. However, I am also particularly pleased with the excellent ratings for the career orientation and career entry offerings. Special thanks are due here to the University's CareerCenter, which has provided us with excellent support for years and does a great job for our students."

Background CHE University Ranking
The CHE University Ranking collects information and facts about studying, teaching, and research at more than 300 universities and universities of applied sciences surveyed and asks around 120,000 students what they think the conditions at their university are like. The complete CHE University Ranking is now also available on ZEIT CAMPUS ONLINE at The ZEIT Study Guide publishes excerpts from the ranking on 292 pages.

Text: Klebs

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