Countdown to Abitur year 2012:
"Growing together“ is this year's slogan  [20.02.12]

Monday, 27th Feb. 2012 starting 11:00 a.m., University of Hohenheim, Palace: Press conference regarding the preparations for the double number of Abitur holders

There is no other university in Baden-Wuerttemberg which has undergone such rapid growth as the University of Hohenheim. Within a 10-year period, the number of enrolled students has doubled. This rapid growth is, in part, due to the need to accomodate the doubled number of students who will be taking their Abitur examination in 2012. The University’s expansion is an opportunity, yet one which is also laden with hardship and certain challenges. That was reason enough for us to declare the slogan for 2012 “growing together” in preparation for the upcoming swell in student numbers. Further topics of the press conference: ideas for efficient organisation, building plans for the canteen & auditorium and specific actions for improving the quality of education in Hohenheim.

Four new study programmes, hightened capacity for three existing programmes, 415 more first-year students, 17 new professorships: These are the figures of the University’s expansion programme “Hochschule 2012”. Keeping in mind that a B.Sc. degree takes three to four years to complete, that means an increase of approximately 1,600 students.

Universities across the state have a social responsibilty to accept the growing number of secondary school graduates wishing to study at university. By doing so, the universities are opening the door to an academic future for more young people than ever before. This challenge which the University of Hohenheim faces will shape its activities in all areas in 2012.

Yet one must remember that this expansion also represents a chance for the University to enhance its profile with new and innovative areas of teaching and research projects.The new study programmes which have been introduced will make graduates especially sought-after in the job market. The 17 new professorships also mean an increase of 14% - a record-breaking amount for the University in its entire history. At the same time, the average age of the scientist is falling, thus paving the way for a new generation with fresh blood and creative ideas.

The University of Hohenheim will be prepared when the swell of new students arrives. Which actions will be undertaken by the University in order to make the best use of its limited resources on its historic campus? Which measures will be executed in order to assure high quality of education despite the increased demand? What lies beyond 2012? - These are the topics which will be addressed at the press conference on 27th February 2012.

Text: Klebs, Transl.: O'Mealy

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