This Week's News - week 21  [25.05.12]

From May 25th, 2012

Graduates receive interdisciplinary Master's in Earth System Science

Climate change, food security, population growth, energy production. How these topics interact very much affects our world today and also presents a great challenge to a new generation of scientists and policy-makers. This study programme, the only one of its kind in Germany, gives students a broader and more complete picture and an understanding of the earth's systems. Read the full article (in German).

From May 24th, 2012

1st Place According to the DFG's Funding Atlas: University of Hohenheim takes pole position in agricultural sciences

At the forefort: The University of Hohenheim receives the most funding in agricultural sciences in all of Germany. Read the full article (in German).

From May 23rd, 2012

Feel-Good Barometer: Upcoming Euro creating excitement in Germany

According to a study conducted by Allianz, the football European Championship beginning on June 8th has led to a general feeling of excitement. 23% of the population is looking forward to the event. Read the full article (in German).

From May 22nd, 2012

Worth Watching the Corn Grow: Researchers identify the genetic basis for plant growth

Until now, mapping out genetic growth was considered too complex as to be feasible. Using metabolic components, the University of hohenheim, however, together with MPI and IPK have succeeded in isolating the relevant DNA sequences. Read the full article (in German).

Text: O'Mealy

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