"Stuttgart 21“: A Major yet Controversial Project  [12.03.13]

The Hohenheim communication specialist Frank Brettschneider together with the former mayor of Stuttgart, Wolfgang Schuster have produced a new anthology on the subject entitled "Stuttgart 21“: Ein Großprojekt zwischen Protest und Akzeptanz". The work contains 268 pages with contributions from 16 autors in 14 essays dedicated to the issue of the "Stuttgart 21“ railway project. The release of the book will take place in the upcoming days (publisher: Springer Verlag).

Read the full article (in German).

Text: Transl.: O'Mealy

Contact for press:

Prof. Dr. Frank Brettschneider, Universität Hohenheim
Tel.: 0711/459-24030, E-Mail: frank.brettschneider@uni-hohenheim.de

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