Current “karriere“ ranking:
Top ten place for the Universität Hohenheim’s Business Economists  [02.12.07]

Graduates particularly appreciated by Personnel Managers

Universität Hohenheim Business Economists on course for success. Even better than last year, the magazine “karriere“ (Handelsblatt Publishers) ranked the Hohenheim Economics degree course in sixth place amongst all the state universities. Based on this, Personnel Managers will now appreciate far more graduates with a “made in Hohenheim“ degree. The ranking list, which was published today, is based on detailed assessments from Personnel Managers, graduates, students and other universities. A few weeks ago “Wirtschaftswoche“ had also ranked the Business Economics course at the Universität Hohenheim eighth amongst the top-ten teaching institutes in Germany.

In the opinion of Germany’s Personnel Managers,the business economists at the Universität Hohenheim rank in the Top Five amongst state universities. When the competition from private Business Schools is included, Hohenheim graduates rank in 8th place in the opinion of the Personnel Managers – tying with the private Frankfurt University for Banking. The top-placed universities in order are the Universities of Mannheim, the private EBS Oestrich Winkel, the Universities of Munich and Münster and the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt and the University of Frankfurt a. M.

In the overall assessment, the Universität Hohenheim was ranked in sixth place amongst the state universities (fourteenth place amongst the state and private universities). Especially positive was also the judgement from colleagues at other universities (third place amongst the state universities, ninth place amongst state and private) and by our own graduates (ninth place amongst state universities and seventeenth place amongst state and private).

"What pleases us most of all is the excellent rating by the Personnel Managers, who ultimately make the decisions about the job opportunities for our graduates,“ explains the Vice-Rector and Prorector for Lecturing at the Universität Hohenheim, Prof. Dr. Ute Mackenstedt. "At the same time this shows that we do not have to fear the competition from private Business Schools in practice."

Background karriereranking

The complete 2007/2008 university ranking list published by the magazine “karriere“ (Handelsblatt Publishers) with the results for Economics, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Business Engineering appears in the May issue of the magazine karriere, which comes out on 27 April 2007. The results are based on detailed interviews with 50,000 students and graduates, as well as with the Personnel Managers of 1000 large companies.

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