DHV Ranking:
Prof. Dr. Dabbert Named Most Popular President in Baden-Württemberg for 4th Time  [26.02.18]

University of Hohenheim President 2nd Nationally just behind Prof. Dr. Johannes Wessels from the University of Münster according to President Ranking by German Association of University Professors and Lecturers

The head of the University of Hohenheim in Stuttgart is among the frontrunners in 2018, as well: For the fourth time in a row, Prof. Dr. Stephan Dabbert was named the most popular university president in Baden-Württemberg in the German Association of University Professors and Lecturers’ President Ranking. With a grade of 1.51 (1 being the best), this year he came in just behind the winner, Prof. Dr. Johannes Wessels from the University of Münster (1.49). In 2015 and 2017 Prof. Dr. Dabbert was also named the most popular president in the state, and in 2016 the most popular in Germany. The University of Hohenheim is also popular with students: in the current “StudyCheck” ranking, it reached 1st place in Baden-Württemberg. Another success for Baden-Württemberg: State Minister of Science, Research and Arts Theresia Bauer ranked second for the “Science Minister of the Year”.

“Courage to make decisions, even those that are unpleasant, but drive the University of Hohenheim forward and demonstrate the president’s visionary strength” - the German Association of University Professors and Lecturers (DHV) emphasized this characteristic in particular for Prof. Dr. Stephan Dabbert. In the DHV ranking, professors and scientific staff evaluate their presidents. They rate a total of 11 characteristics on a scale from 1 to 6 (the German school grading system with 1 being the best and 6 the worst).

Qualities that are evaluated include leadership abilities, respect for differences in scientific cultures, problem-solving skills, courage in making decisions, vision, fairness, and honesty. Scientists can also include comments on their president’s work in their evaluations.

“I’m very pleased to receive this award again,” commented Prof. Dr. Dabbert on the DHV news, “and I’d like to congratulate Prof. Dr. Johannes Wessels on getting first place nationally.”

Leader with Visionary Strength

One of the visions that guides Prof. Dr. Dabbert is the aspiration to position the University of Hohenheim as a leading player in bioeconomy and to continue to increase the number of renowned research consortia. “We have what we need to achieve this goal, and we have already put a lot of effort in this direction,” declared Prof. Dr. Dabbert.

As a small, specialized university in the areas of agricultural sciences, nutritional sciences, and business, economic, and social sciences, the University of Hohenheim needs to expand its networks through interdisciplinary research focuses. And continue to develop, emphasized Prof. Dr. Dabbert: “In light of the changes in science and society, we have to ask ourselves whether the University of Hohenheim is still optimally positioned or whether there are new scientific topics that we need to pick up.”

Second Term of Office in Creative Environment

In May of last year, Prof. Dr. Dabbert was re-elected as the President of the University of Hohenheim with an overwhelming majority. His second term of office starts on 1 April 2018. “The University of Hohenheim offers an environment that is continually bringing forth new ideas, and I very much enjoy the work,” stressed Prof. Dr. Dabbert.

In previous years he had compared his leadership role with that of a band leader: “I feel a little bit like a band leader, who receives all the applause but knows that there would be no concert without the musicians and technicians.”

University of Hohenheim also Most Popular University in the State according to Students

The University of Hohenheim is also popular with students: Recently, they named their university the most popular university in Baden-Württemberg. The current ranking from the degree program evaluation platform “StudyCheck” placed the University of Hohenheim as number 1 in Baden-Württemberg and number 2 nationally after the European University Viadrina in Frankfurt/Oder. read more

BACKGROUND: The award “President of the Year”

With the award “President of the Year” (“Rektor des Jahres”), the German Association of University Professors and Lecturers (DHV) honors the model management of the chosen candidate. The DHV is a professional association of scientists and researchers in Germany. The direction and execution of the ranking, which includes 48 universities, lies with the Center for Evaluation and Methods (Zentrum für Evaluation und Methoden) at the University of Bonn. The right to vote is conferred to association members who are personally invited to evaluate their President. 2,860 researchers and scientists took part in this year’s voting. In order to be ranked, Presidents had to receive at least 30 evaluations.

The honor “President of the Year” will be awarded on 3 April 2018 at the German Science Gala in Berlin. Detailed results will be published in the March edition of the journal “Forschung & Lehre”. More information on

Overview of all winners of the award “Rektor des Jahres”

  • 2017 Prof. Dr. Lambert Koch, University of Wuppertal
  • 2016 Prof. Dr. Stephan Dabbert, University of Hohenheim
  • 2015 Prof. Dr. Helmut J. Schmidt, TU Kaiserslautern
  • 2014 Prof. Dr. Lambert Koch, University of Wuppertal
  • 2013 Prof. Dr. Jan-Hendrik Olbertz, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
  • 2012 Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Herrmann, TU München
  • 2011 Prof. Dr. Lambert Koch, University of Wuppertal
  • 2010 Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Schareck, University of Rostock
  • 2009 Prof. Dr. Elmar Weiler, Ruhr-Universität Bochum

Additional Information
Details results of the president ranking 2018

Text: Elsner / Klebs

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