“Wirtschaftswoche“ 2007 University ranking:
Top ten place for the Universität Hohenheim Economists  [02.12.07]

Stamp of approval by the Personnel Managers for the University of Hohenheim – eighth place in the list of recommended universities

The Personnel Managers have cast their votes: Political Economic and Business Economics graduates from the Universität Hohenheim are some of the most highly-qualified candidates and enjoy the best reputation in business. The Universität Hohenheim thus belongs to the select group of universities in Germany, where courses train students to be ready for the world of work – according to the “Wirtschaftswoche“ university ranking list. The Universität Hohenheim is in eighth place amongst Germany’s state and private universities, which offer Economics.

"This placing is indeed great praise for us because Personnel Managers know from experience where they can find highly-qualified graduates and where lecturers impart the requisite practice-based teaching," comments the Rector of the Universität Hohenheim, Prof. Dr. Hans-Peter Liebig, with a smile on his face.

Practice-relevance is also the factor at the very heart of the “Wirtschaftswoche“ university ranking. Key criteria were the range of courses, the performance of students and the promotion of semesters spent abroad. "The secret of the front runners’ success is to continually fine-tune a distinctive profile and to throw unnecessary ballast overboard,“ is the praise from the Editorial team at “Wirtschaftswoche”.

“Wirtschaftswoche“ interviewed more than 1000 Personnel Managers and Recruitment Managers in the largest German companies. The Personnel Managers had to choose up to five universities per field, which were valued by their organisation and from which the best candidates would come. The more votes a university received, the higher was its ranking in each field.

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