Germany’s most popular University President:
Prof. Dr. Dabbert from the University of Hohenheim is University President of the Year - “Rektor des Jahres”  [16.02.16]

President of the University of Hohenheim heads ranking of the German Association of University Professors and Lecturers/ Baden-Württemberg State Minister Bauer is Minister of Science for the third time

At a great university you can achieve great things: This well-spoken sentiment about his university was President Prof. Dr. Stephan Dabbert’s reaction about being chosen as the President of the Year. The distinction is awarded once a year by the German Association of University Professors and Lecturers (DHV). The determining factor is how the university’s scientists evaluate their President. Simultaneously, the President of the Year congratulates the Baden-Württemberg Minister of Science Theresia Bauer: For the third time, the State Minister was appointed Minister of Science, achieving her best results ever.


The ranking of the DHV (Deutscher Hochschulverband) is no ordinary testimony: Professors and scientific staff evaluate their Presidents. A total of 11 abilities is rated on a scale from 1 to 6 (the German school grading system, 1 being the best and 6 the worst). The German Association of University Professors and Lecturers declares that the best evaluation, for the President of the University of Hohenheim Prof. Dr. Stephan Dabbert, is a distinction (grade 1.65; grade average of all Presidents: 2.62).

The scrutinized abilities are among others qualities such as leadership, respect for the diversity of science cultures, problem solving competence, strength in decision making, visionary thinking, fairness, and honesty. Additionally, the scientists can include comments on the management abilities of their President.


Highly appreciated leadership figure with ambitious goals

Also the comments about the laureate Prof. Dr. Dabbert were positive (reflecting his grade of 1.65), says the German Association of University Professors and Lecturers in its press release: The agricultural economist is an appreciated leadership figure with intricate knowledge and an open ear and respect for the opinion of others.

He manages to keep the personal atmosphere of the university, in spite of the “growing achievement orientation and the highly ambitious goals in the areas of research and teaching.” The DHV finds the reasons for this in the comments included in the evaluations: It is said that he is thoughtful and patient in his conduct with all concerned parties, takes informed decisions and gives plausible explanations without discrediting the position of others.


An office with great enthusiasm for innovation

Looking at the President’s work over the past four years, it becomes clear why he is attributed the aforementioned qualities.

Together with his colleagues, Prof. Dr. Dabbert invested considerable resources in research, re-allocated them through research centers and a new and re-organized Department Research Promotion, and further defined the scientific profile.

As the first University President in Germany, he made way for an initiative for extending the contracts of young scientists. A Graduate Academy for doctoral students and a concept for human resource development for young scientists are directed towards the improvement of education and career opportunities (both under way).

• Members of the university were presented with positive changes, such as large-scale financial and structural reforms, bringing about transparent and reliable financial planning, less bureaucracy, and the elimination of staffing bans.

The enthusiasm for innovation is paying off:

According to international rankings, especially the areas of agricultural and food research, are No. 1 in Germany and of international presence.

Already during its development phase, the Hohenheim Graduate Academy was awarded with a prize of the State of Baden-Württermberg.

The nation-wide unique concept “Humboldt reloaded”, dedicated to researching learning and developed by Prof. Dr. Martin Blum, was awarded the German Ars Legendi Prize for excellence in teaching by the German Rectors' Conference.


Self-perception of a band leader

“At a great university you can achieve great things” - this is how President Prof. Dr. Dabbert explains the many changes of the past years.

“The University of Hohenheim is a small university with a very specialized profile. You can identify with the university and it becomes clear that the scientific disciplines of agricultural and natural sciences, as well as business, economics and social sciences compliment each other. This allows for scientific cooperation between all faculties, for example in the context of our research focus bioeconomy. All these framework conditions inspire creativity and put people in contact with each other. And this is how new things are created,” explains Prof. Dr. Dabbert.

His self-perception as President of the Year: “I feel a little bit like a band leader, who receives all the applause but knows that there would be no concert without the musicians and technicians.”


Award money for research in teaching

Prof. Dr. Dabbert wants to give the award money of 10,000 euros to the project Humboldt reloaded of the University of Hohenheim. “The project is the ideal combination of research and teaching. It gives students the opportunity to research current unanswered questions, already during their bachelor’s program”, says the President of the Year about this decision.

Once a year, several hundred participants present their results and findings at a convention of the University of Hohenheim. “In the five years to come, the best presentation from each faculty shall be awarded with a travel scholarship. This way, the students get to visit a scientific convention of their choice, or they can choose to present their results at a nation-wide convention on student research.”

The new award shall compliment the model support of the Südwestbank, which finances the yearly Humboldt reloaded convention, gives out several material prizes, and awards the three most outstanding research projects with 500 euros each.


Congratulations to Theresia Bauer to being appointed Minister of Science for the third time

At the same time, the German Association of University Professors and Lecturers declares that Theresia Bauer, the Minister of Science of Baden-Württemberg, is the Minister of Science of the Year - Wissenschaftsministerin des Jahres. Since the beginning of her term of office in 2011, Minister Bauer has been given this award for the third time (2016, 2015, 2013).

In its evaluation of the year 2016, the DHV calls her the “best Minister of Science in a long time.” The Minister showed “model support for the Universities of Baden-Württemberg.” She was attributed with a “profound willingness to engage in dialogue, political rationality, and even excellence.” She is “competent and involved.” Her work is “subject oriented and free of ideology.”

“In the name of the University of Hohenheim, and me personally, I want to congratulate Minister Bauer to having received this well-deserved honor,” declares Prof. Dr. Dabbert after the voting results had been published. “In the past years, Minister Bauer has steadily improved the framework conditions for the universities, and many of my successes build on her work. We are very grateful for this.”

Prof. Dr. Dabbert wants to seize the opportunity of a long-standing routine meeting at the Ministry of Science in the late morning to personally congratulate the Minister.


BACKGROUND: The award “President of the Year”

With the award “President of the Year” (“Rektor des Jahres”), the German Association of University Professors and Lecturers (DHV) honors the model management of the chosen candidate. The DHV is a professional association of scientists and researchers in Germany. The direction and execution of the ranking lies with the Center for Evaluation and Methods (Zentrum für Evaluation und Methoden) of the University of Bonn. The right to vote is conferred to association members who are personally invited to evaluate their President. 3,027 researchers and scientists took part in this year’s voting. In order to be ranked, Presidents had to receive at least 30 evaluations. The honor “President of the Year” will be awarded on 4 April 2016 at the German Science Gala in Berlin. Detailed results will be published in the March edition of the journal “Forschung & Lehre”. More information on

Overview of all winners of the award “Rektor des Jahres”:

Prof. Dr. Stephan Dabbert, University of Hohenheim

2015 Prof. Dr. Helmut J. Schmidt, TU Kaiserslautern

2014 Prof. Dr. Lambert Koch, University of Wuppertal

2013 Prof. Dr. Jan-Hendrik Olbertz, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

2012 Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Herrmann, TU München

• 2011 Prof. Dr. Lambert Koch, University of Wuppertal

2010 Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Schareck, University of Rostock

2009 Prof. Dr. Elmar Weiler, Ruhr-Universität Bochum

Text: Klebs

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