Press releases on animals in research and teaching
Possible prospects for agriculture [16.08.2022]
Will German agriculture rely on microalgae in the future? In any case, numerous valuable recyclables can be produced with the single-cell aquatic plants. Consequently, they possess great potential as a renewable raw material and biomass source for the bioeconomy. In the collaborative project "FuTuReS", researchers from the Fraunhofer Institute for Interfacial Engineering and...more
Microbiome therapy:
Success factors for fecal transplantations [08.08.2022]
Treatment of patients with antibiotics and colonic irrigation prior to fecal transplantation promotes the colonization of donor bacteria. This is the conclusion of a study conducted by the University of Hohenheim in Stuttgart. Prof. Dr. W. Florian Fricke and Daniel Podlesny from the Department of Microbiome and Applied Bioinformatics, together with other researchers, developed...more
Ancient grain emmer:
Variety selection and manual dexterity – the keys to success [11.04.2022]
So-called "ancient grain species" such as emmer are becoming increasingly popular – but their establishment is by no means a foregone conclusion. This was demonstrated by what is probably the world's largest emmer trial at the University of Hohenheim. "Even in the case of little used species such as emmer, there are dozens of varieties whose traits differ considerably,"...more
Giant grass miscanthus:
Bioethanol source with negative CO2 balance [06.04.2022]
A significant reduction in greenhouse gas is feasible. This is the conclusion reached by researchers at the University of Hohenheim in Stuttgart. The trick: A combination of bioethanol production from renewable resources with carbon capture and storage technologies. Depending on the calculation approach used, a reduction of more than 100 percent compared to the EU benchmark...more
Old lentils rediscovered:
Researchers select cultivar types for cultivation in Germany [23.02.2022]
Vegetable protein from domestic fields – lentils are a true "superfood". However, the old crop is rarely grown in German fields: Overly complicated harvest, insufficient yield. The LinSel research group, coordinated by the Center for Organic Farming at the University of Hohenheim in Stuttgart, wants to change that. At the conference, it will present what are known as genotypes...more
Innovative fertilization methods:
Fewer emissions from slurry fertilization in growing field crops [14.12.2021]
Up to 55 percent less ammonia emissions thanks to innovative methods: Commercial fertilizers such as slurry or digestate from biogas plants could be spread on fields and meadows in a much more environmentally friendly way. This was demonstrated by the initial results of a collaborative project involving the University of Hohenheim in Stuttgart. The project has set its sights...more
Soybean cultivation in Germany:
Bees, Beans, and Citizen Science [19.10.2021]
Soybean from domestic organic farming, boasting excellent performance and good quality – this is possible if you have the right cultivars. The State Plant Breeding Institute of the University of Hohenheim in Stuttgart and the tofu manufacturer Taifun-Tofu in Freiburg are working towards this goal. In their "1000 Gardens" project, they are now inviting amateur gardeners...more
High-tech greenhouse for climate research & bioeconomy [27.09.2021]
More research on less space: This is what the new Phytotechnikum research greenhouse at the University of Hohenheim in Stuttgart has to offer. The two-bay, high-tech greenhouse with computer-controlled, precisely adjustable technology and a modular floor space layout replaces some of the individual greenhouses scattered across the campus. In two further construction phases,...more
Showcase Bioeconomy:
Superfood hemp – an innovative source of vegetable protein [16.09.2021]
Hemp has a future: Not only does it have enormous medical potential, it is also increasingly attracting the interest of scientists, companies, and consumers as a basis for novel, ecologically and sustainably produced foods. Researchers at the University of Hohenheim in Stuttgart have now teamed up with the Signature Products company in Pforzheim to develop innovative...more
Alliance against food intolerances [13.07.2021]
Food intolerances are among the most common ailments worldwide and are associated with a variety of constraints for those affected. More particularly, distinguishing between a food intolerance or a food allergy and what is known as irritable bowel syndrome causes considerable difficulties in everyday life. The diagnostic and therapeutic approaches currently available are,...more