Foto: Universität Hohenheim / Lizenz

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Press releases

A full stomach is not enough: Hidden hunger a real danger [22.01.2013]

They "hunger" although their bellies are filled daily. 2.5 billion people worldwide are affected by a condition known as hidden hunger - and not only in developing countries. The hunger they suffer from often goes unnoticed due to the fact that they do not suffer from feelings of hunger. People whose budgets do not permit them to enjoy a balanced and varied diet may be lacking...more

Nutrition expert warns:
"Poverty is giving rise to hidden hunger in Germany"

According to the report published by a national conference on the subject, poverty is on the rise in Germany. Connected with this development, yet often unrecognised, is a trend towrds malnutrition and undernutrition, says Prof. Dr. Hans Konrad Biesalski, a nutrition expert at the University of Hohenheim. "Federal unemployment relief is not sufficient to provide a child with...more

Sick bee populations:
Nearly a quarter won't make it through the winter

Pathogenic parasites: Bee populations throughout Germany have all been struck by Varroa mites, yet with varying effects. The tiny spider-like parasites feed off the blood of bees, thus contributing to the spread of disease. However, substantial differences have been observed between different regions and bee populations. Researchers at the Agricultural State Institute in...more

Advent calendar with palatial windows [28.11.2012]

Until Christmas Eve, a different window into the diversity of Hohenheim will be opened. 24 windows full of surprises will show how Hohenheim is "Growing Together".more

Maths instead of crystal balls:
New technique to calculate the longevity of car engines

Machines on strike: Using a special algorithm, a mathematician of the University of Hohenheim is able to calculate how long a motor will run. This statistical model could reduce the need for complicated tests and also sink the production costs of machines in genera -. resulting in savings for consumers. The German Research Society DFG is providing €230,000 in funding for the...more

Displaying results 216 to 220 out of 274