CHE Ranking 2022:
Top grades for food and biotechnology programs  [30.05.22]

Current CHE university ranking evaluates Bachelor's and Master's programs offered by the University of Hohenheim in the field of food science and biotechnology.

Top teaching, excellent support at the start of the program, and graduation in a reasonable time: In the current ranking of the Center for Higher Education Development (CHE), students of the University of Hohenheim in Stuttgart give it an excellent report. The Bachelor's degree programs in Food Science and Biotechnology and the Master's degree programs in Food Science and Engineering, Food Biotechnology, Food Systems, and Food Chemistry were evaluated. Of the entire range of subjects at the University of Hohenheim, only some of the degree programs are re-ranked each year. The update takes place every three years. The majority of degree programs - such as in agricultural sciences - are not ranked by CHE. The ZEIT Study Guide 2022/23 published excerpts of the current ranking. More at and

Whether it's a high degree of scientific relevance or good laboratory courses: According to the latest CHE survey, Bachelor's and Master's students in the biotechnology and food science programs at the University of Hohenheim are more satisfied than average with their studies - in many respects.

With a German school grade of 1.9 (1.0 being the best grade and 6.0 the worst) as the overall rating for the breadth of the course offerings and the opportunities for individual specialization, the University of Hohenheim belongs to the top group in a nationwide comparison.

Students also placed the support offered at the beginning of their studies into the top group, awarding it 9 out of 14 points. The quality of the laboratory courses is also top, with a grade of 1.6. And 88.5 percent of students complete their studies in a reasonable amount of time, which also puts the University of Hohenheim in the top group.

The respondents see the University of Hohenheim in the front group in terms of scientific relevance: They rate it with a grade of 1.9. Among other things, this is likely due to the award-winning Humboldt reloaded program, which also enables Bachelor's students to get involved in research from the very beginning. Info about Humboldt reloaded

When evaluating degree programs, the CHE relies on objective figures about studies, teaching, and equipment as well as on the judgment of students.

Offers make it easier to get started in Hohenheim

Enabling students to get off to the best possible start: This is achieved by tailored additional offers such as the introductory courses or the special math courses. “Overview of Studies” is a presentation series that covers all stages of study and covers topics such as time management, exam preparation, or even the other opportunities that campus life offers.
More information:

Information on the degree programs

- Food Science and Biotechnology ((B.Sc.)

- Food Science und Engineering (M.Sc.)

- Food Biotechnology (M.Sc.)

- Food Systems (M.Sc.)

- Food Chemistry (M.Sc.)

Additional information
- Offers to get to know the university and info events

- Degree programs at the University of Hohenheim

- CHE Ranking

BACKGROUND: CHE University Ranking

According to its own information, the CHE University Ranking is the most comprehensive and detailed comparison of universities in German-speaking countries. Since 1998, more than 140 universities and more than 250 universities of applied sciences and universities of cooperative education have been included in the university ranking at their locations. The current ranking is based on the opinions of around 120,000 students and 3,000 professors. The CHE University Ranking does not assign rankings to individual universities as in other rankings, but assigns universities to the top, middle, or bottom group.

Text: Elsner

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