Research profile

The University of Hohenheim is an international research university with a strong presence in the region and in the State of Baden-Württemberg. The University has a strong interdisciplinary profile which enables it to devote its attention more particularly to inter-university topics. The founding idea of the University of Hohenheim was born 200 years ago out of the emergency situation of a global catastrophe and the need to come up with innovative solutions. Scientific research and teaching also aim to strengthen resilience to further extreme events.

From theory to practice

Today, sustainability and resilience are overarching concepts which are of major relevance for many areas in teaching and research at the University of Hohenheim and in the operations of the University itself. The goal of Hohenheim research is to create a basic understanding of the interrelationships and to then channel these findings into the shaping of concrete actions in practice.

With its unique combination of departments from the agricultural sciences, natural sciences and business, economics and social sciences, the University of Hohenheim makes a systemic contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations.

Interdisciplinary cutting-edge research

The University has core research areas that can hold their own internationally. They constitute the framework within which Hohenheim researchers join forces in research institutions, projects and consortia and thus prepare a breeding ground for interdisciplinary cutting-edge research.

Research projects & prizes

Most research at UHOH is financed from third-party funds. Our research projects, which range from groundbreaking basic research to application-oriented projects of major transfer relevance, are funded by the EU, the federal government, the State of Baden-Württemberg, foundations, and business. Profile-enhancing research projects play a major role here. They include the coordinated programs of the German Research Foundation (DFG) and large-scale projects of the state, the federal government, and the European Union. Thanks to our unique profile, the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) and the Baden-Württemberg State Ministry of Food, Rural Areas and Consumer Protection (MLR) in particular make a major contribution to the promotion of research at our university, and thus put their clear stamp on the research profile of the UHOH.

Third-party funded research projects

Projects supported with a particularly high amount of third-party funds are considered “heavyweight” third-party funded research projects. This often includes large consortium projects on which several researchers are working.

This category includes research projects with funding amounts starting at € 350,000 for technical research (often in the area of agricultural and natural sciences) or € 150,000 for non-technical research (often in the area of business, economics, and social sciences)

Press releases

From the field instead of the factory:
Natural sweetener stevia to be finally ready for the market in 2016

Using genetically modified yeasts a U.S. company wants to produce steviol glycosides, which have nothing to do with the sweet herb from South America. The alternative to this purely artificial product comes from the University of Hohenheim. There, an agricultural scientist is on the verge of bringing a natural state stevia sweetener to the market - thus offering a new...more

Maths instead of crystal balls:
New technique to calculate the longevity of car engines

Machines on strike: Using a special algorithm, a mathematician of the University of Hohenheim is able to calculate how long a motor will run. This statistical model could reduce the need for complicated tests and also sink the production costs of machines in genera -. resulting in savings for consumers. The German Research Society DFG is providing €230,000 in funding for the...more

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Prof. Dr. Julia Fritz-Steuber
Vice President for Research, Early Career Researchers, and Transfer
+49 711 459 22228