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He focuses on the structure of genetic material [12.11.2021]

The Covid-19 pandemic has also left its mark on the Online Courier: Among other things, since the beginning of the pandemic there was not enough time to conduct the traditional welcome interviews with new professors. With the start of this winter semester, we are making up for lost time in the form of written questionnaires: 18 new professors have started at Hohenheim since...more

REACT-EU recovery assistance: funding amounting to EUR 2.6 million for the University of Hohenheim [04.11.2021]

To gain increased insight into the complex interactions in climate-stressed agricultural systems by means of state-of-the-art visualization technology – and to derive concrete recommendations for action for policy makers and society: This is the common goal of the interdisciplinary research network BioInterAct of the Universities of Hohenheim and Tübingen and the Stuttgart...more

DFG funds research group on phosphorus utilization in laying hens for three more years [02.11.2021]

The German Research Foundation (DFG) has approved almost EUR 3 million for the second phase of the P-FOWL research group (FOR 2601). Since 2017, the participating researchers have been looking into how laying hens can optimally process phosphorus from plant sources. At the University of Hohenheim, six departments are involved in this on an inter-faculty basis. They have...more

Award & First Semester Academy [05.10.2021]

For a year and a half, there was more or less nothing happening on campus. But the committed students from the Sustainability Working Group (AKN) didn't let Covid slow them down: the First Semester Academy, Sustainability Weeks, Sustainable Mondays, Greef Office-Initiative - all of that was moved to the digital space very quickly. The Hohenheim University Council also finds...more

Hohenheim Teaching Award 2021 [07.10.2021]

Creative and motivated, didactically well thought out and well supported: This is what good teaching looks like. The students also appreciate this kind of teaching. At the suggestion of the student representatives for the departments (Fachschaft), the University of Hohenheim awards the Hohenheim Teaching Prize each year to lecturers who have shown particular commitment in this...more

Winter Semester on Campus [15.09.2021]

Campus life again at last: In the winter semester, students at the University of Hohenheim will be offered the most comprehensive and attractive range of classroom teaching possible. This was decided by the Senate in July. In all courses on campus, 3G and masks are compulsory. But how much face-to-face teaching will actually be possible? What is the current status of the...more

More Insect Meadows [01.07.2021]

The campus of the University of Hohenheim is considered the most species-rich in the state. This is mainly due to the extensive grounds of the Hohenheim Gardens with a low mowing cycle. A contrast to this, however, used to be the "tidy" lawns around the buildings. This is not exactly insect-friendly - and therefore does not fit in with the message that researchers at the...more

Displaying results 50 to 56 out of 58