Scientific Software Project MPMAS


MPMAS is a scientific software package for simulating land use change in agriculture and forestry. It combines economic models of farm household decision-making with a range of biophysical models simulating the crop yield response to changes in the crop water supply and changes in soil nutrients.

MPMAS is part of a family of models called multi-agent systems models of land-use/cover change (MAS/LUCC). These models couple a cellular component representing a physical landscape with an agent-based component representing land-use decision-making. MAS/LUCC models have been applied in a wide range of settings yet have in common that agents are autonomous decision-makers who interact and communicate and make decisions that can alter their environment.

Other MAS/LUCC applications have been implemented with software packages such as Cormas, NetLogo, RePast, and Swarm. The main difference between MPMAS and these alternative packages is the use of whole farm mathematical programming to simulate land-use decision-making. With this decision-making component MPMAS is firmly grounded in agricultural economics. MPMAS has been applied in a large number of empirical studies around the world. It is flexible in terms of the spatial extent that it can cover and has been used in small-scale as well as large-scale applications.

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