Workshop about the Soil project ECHO

Are you interested in soil quality and would you like to take part in a citizen science project as an ambassador? Then visit our workshop.

We, the University of Hohenheim, are partners of ECHO, a Research and Innovation Action project funded by the European Union. It is part of the EU MissionSoil and is being carried out in parallel in different European countries. As a citizen science project, it aims to involve citizens in research on the protection and restoration of European soils through local initiatives. The citizen scientists in these initiatives will actively participate in the collection of soil samples that will be analysed both by themselves and in the laboratory to determine the quality of the soil.

You have the opportunity to participate directly in the project as an ECHO ambassador. The ECHO ambassadors will support citizens in taking soil samples and will raise awareness of soil health among participating citizens.

The workshop offers the perfect opportunity to learn more about the project and to better understand the role of the ECHO ambassadors.

Online via Zoom, Link:

Anmeldung notwendig?     Ja
Informationen zur Anmeldung     Please register in advance by e-mail to

Veranstaltende Einrichtung     ECHO-Team, Fg. Nachhaltige Entwicklung und Wandel

Telefon     017643989533

18.07.2024, 15:00 - 16:00 Uhr