Alumni Profiles

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Smart Farming: What about Blackouts? [07.08.2020]

Could a hacker attack bring agriculture to a standstill and endanger the basis of our food supply? Even if that still sounds like a futuristic horror scenario today: The more digitalization advances, the more it is necessary to look at its flip side. In his current Humboldt reloaded project, economics student Philipp Reister is therefore looking at an approach to make smart...more

Allow Disorder [12.06.2020]

They are concerned with small creatures, but they have something big in mind: insects are the basic workers in the ecosystems that ultimately keep us alive. The dramatic dying of insects in recent decades must give society food for thought, emphasizes the student initiative "Bunte Wiese Stuttgart". Agriculture is an important field of action, but city administrations, public...more

Update: Examinations & Work [14.05.2020]

Effective immediately, the University is returning to "limited attendance". Staff should still work from home if it is just as possible to work at home as it is on-site. Make-up exams from the winter semester will start on 2 June. Very large exams will probably not be possible until much later. Teaching will remain digital, but further exceptions are possible on-campus in...more

Sustainability Weeks - Especially Now! [12.05.2020]

Climate change, species extinction, marine litter - was that something people talked about? At the moment, the Covid-19 crisis seems to be overlaying a lot of things that were hotly debated a short while ago. The first state-wide Sustainability Weeks of the universities in Baden-Württemberg, which were initiated by Hohenheim students, were also on the verge of collapse for a...more

Praise for Business Programs [12.05.2020]

The ranking in the current ZEIT study guide gives the University of Hohenheim's degree programs in Business Administration and Economics an above-average report. Students awarded the top two grades in all categories. Compared with the last survey, the courses offered in most categories were better or equally good.more

Rules to Prevent Park Closure [06.05.2020]

From Saturday on, stricter rules on coronavirus protection will apply in the Hohenheim Gardens. These include a general obligation to wear a mask and a "one-way path system" for greater distance between walkers. Existing bans (picnics, playground equipment, alcohol, etc.) are to be monitored more closely. With this, the University is pursuing a specific goal: "The parks should...more

"Because Research Matters" [06.05.2020]

Not only in times of crisis, but especially then, society needs free, knowledge-driven science. And researchers with convictions who contribute to public discourse. Researchers at the University of Hohenheim want to show how they are contributing to the current DFG campaign "Because Research Matters" with a video message: We are ready for it! A new service website for the...more

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