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Fund & Donation for Internationals [21.04.2020]

The University of Hohenheim has set up an emergency fund to support international students who have run into financial difficulties as a result of the Corona situation. It has earmarked around €15,000 in internationalization funds for this purpose. The fund will be supplemented by a generous private donation: A retired doctor from Stuttgart is providing a total of € 4,500 to...more

Semester Starts [18.04.2020]

The show must go on! Even though many questions are still unanswered, the courses at the University of Hohenheim will start on Monday in digital form as previously announced. The President's Office adopted the most important guidelines and recommendations for the Corona exceptional semester in a crisis meeting on Friday. They are to be adapted to the current situation at least...more

Crisis changes media use [17.04.2020]

At a distance, but not alone: the contact ban ordered to combat the corona pandemic is leading to more and more people using Internet services. However, for a large part of the population, this is not linked to increasing isolation, as many fear. This is because social media can have a positive effect in the fight against social isolation. But there are also risk groups in...more

Start date remains, teaching goes digital [17.04.2020]

After a conference call with Science Minister Theresia Bauer, University President Stephan Dabbert assumes that teaching can start on 20 April as announced. At the same time, he emphasized: "We have to plan all courses that can possibly be conducted virtually in such a way that they are held digitally from start to finish. Unfortunately, we can no longer expect to return to...more

Support for Internationals? [06.04.2020]

The coronavirus crisis is also causing difficulties and worries for the international students at the University of Hohenheim. In particular, the tuition fees for non-EU citizens amounting to €1,500 per semester are currently a problem for many. Prof. Dr. Andreas Pyka, Vice President for Internationalization, reports in an interview with the Online Courier on what the...more

Recycling instead of phosphorus crisis [02.04.2020]

If it is not possible to use the resource phosphorus more sustainably, humanity is heading for a serious crisis: phosphorus is irreplaceable as a nutrient for plants, animals, and humans. If it returns to the soil via excretions or dead organic material, the cycle is complete. At present, however, agricultural production worldwide cannot do without mineral fertilizers with...more

No. 1 in Germany, No. 16 Globally [18.03.2020]

The renowned QS World University Ranking by Subject ranks the University of Hohenheim among the top universities worldwide in the field of agricultural research. In the edition published today, Hohenheim is ranked 16th worldwide, 8th in Europe, and 1st in Germany. more

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