Alumni Profiles

Hohenheim alumni introduce themselves


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Combatting Species Extinction [19.12.2019]

Besides ongoing climate change, the extinction of species poses a second existential threat to mankind. But we can only protect what we are aware of. In order to strengthen and further develop specialist knowledge on species diversity in the state and to promote it in society, the state of Baden-Württemberg plans to invest a total of around €5 million over the next two years....more

Pepper Spray Attack [29.11.2019]

Caught red-handed in an attempted theft, an unknown perpetrator sprayed pepper spray or a similar substance several times during the TMS party last Thursday (21 Nov). Approximately 300 party guests had to be evacuated as a result. Witnesses and persons who had something stolen are asked to report to the police. The Constituted Student Body expressed dismay over the incident...more

More Personal Responsibility [05.12.2019]

Students have long wanted more flexibility in their exams. The university is now fulfilling this wish: Those who do not pass an exam, are sick, or withdraw for no reason will no longer be automatically registered for the next possible exam date. "For the students, doing away with the compulsory registration means more freedom, but on the other hand also more personal...more

Male University Athlete of the Year [27.11.2019]

The German University Athlete of the Year comes from the University of Hohenheim: The German University Sports Association (adh) honored Wiwi student Frederic Kindler on Sunday for outstanding results at this year's Summer University Games in Naples, where he won silver with the sabre and the sabre team. more

Showers for Cyclists [27.11.2019]

The University of Hohenheim is working to make the campus even more bicycle-friendly: It can now set another checkmark on the to-do list for certification by the ADFC (Association of German Cyclists). The Hohenheim cycling community now has 47 showers with changing facilities at its disposal. The Hohenheim mobility manager hopes that this offer can be expanded step by step. more

40 Years of Cooperation [27.11.2019]

From development aid to direct cooperation between equals: the private initiative of several professors at the end of the 1970s developed into a highly regarded scientific cooperation between the University of Hohenheim and the China Agricultural University (CAU) in Beijing. Today, both have established themselves as the No. 1 universities in their respective countries'...more

Interview with new AStA chairs [27.11.2019]

For them, studying means more than just attending lectures: In the AStA (general student committee), Ernesto Lunar Koch and Dominik Becker are therefore committed, among other things, to making campus life attractive, to making the student voice heard and to advancing topics such as sustainability and internationalization. The Online Courier met the newly elected AStA chairs...more

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