Alumni Profiles

Hohenheim alumni introduce themselves


Career paths  |  My path to start-up  |  My path to science

Bicycle-Friendly Employer [12.02.2020]

In terms of cycling culture, a lot has happened at the University of Hohenheim in recent years. This is due to the University' mobility plan with short, medium, and long-term measures for better accessibility and greater climate friendliness. It is the first university in Baden-Württemberg to receive the silver certificate "Bicycle-friendly employer" for this commitment, an...more

Science Publication [12.02.2020]

The small miracle that takes place inside plant seeds still holds many puzzles for research. Plant physiologists from the Universities of Hohenheim, Geneva, and Lausanne under the leadership of the University of Lyon have now solved one of these mysteries together: the inner molecular dialogue of seeds. In fact, two genetically different organisms are hidden beneath the seed...more

Science Year 2020 - Bioeconomy [12.02.2020]

Bioeconomy? Not everyone is yet familiar with the core topic of the University of Hohenheim. However, since Fridays for Future, everyone is talking about what it stands for: a comprehensive transformation of economy and society that puts an end to oil and other fossil fuels and focuses on the sustainable use of resources and the environment. As the central theme of the Science...more

AI Helps with Bitcoin Trading [12.02.2020]

From research topic to business idea: With the help of artificial intelligence and data mining, Hohenheim business information scientist Dr. Achim Klein wants to help investors profit from trends with 10% returns in Bitcoin. "The CryptoCaptain service navigates the highly volatile market with early timing and thus makes it accessible to small investors. "As the first digital...more

€150,000 for Mobility Management [19.12.2019]

New bicycle parking spaces, showers for bicycle commuters, a pedelec test fleet, rental bicycles, or improved bus connections - in the area of mobility management, a lot got rolling on campus last year. And there is no shortage of other short-, medium-, and long-term plans. As part of the idea competition "Mobility concepts for an emission-free campus," the Baden-Württemberg...more

Freedom for Research for € 300,000 [09.12.2019]

Clear the way for science: For the fourth time, the Gips-Schüle-Stfitung conferred its prize for "Freedom for Research" to give scientists at the University of Hohenheim the opportunity to embark on major research projects. This year's award ceremony was different in that two projects impressed the jury so much that not only the 2019 award but also the 2020 award was...more

She Knows What Makes Teaching Boring [09.12.2019]

Accounting? Boring! Prof. Dr. Kristina Kögler investigates how students experience business lessons and what effects their experience has on their learning performance. With her results, the business educator aims to optimally support learning processes. For the best possible use of the short teaching time - and for more educational quality. more

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My path to a start-up

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My path to academia

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