Alumni Profiles

Hohenheim alumni introduce themselves


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Researching for Resilient Ecosystems [22.12.2021]

The environment is changing, and this is not only due to climate change. Plants respond to these changes. Jun.-Prof. Dr. Andreas Schweiger is researching how to better predict these reactions of plants in the ecosystem - and how to use them as a basis for adaptation strategies for more sustainable land use. more

Official Opening of New Building [20.12.2021]

Bee health, biodiversity, honey quality: The Apicultural State Institute conducts research into sustainable solutions for current challenges in beekeeping. Its new building, which was ceremoniously handed over to the University of Hohenheim today, is now also setting standards in terms of sustainability: The new building is the first laboratory building in Baden-Württemberg to...more

Back on Campus [22.12.2021]

Studying in the lecture hall, meeting people spontaneously, Mensa ...: Life is returning to the Hohenheim campus. For students, however, this also means: health pass, mandatory masks, advance reservation of study places, and a constant change between online and face-to-face sessions. Many would also have liked to see even more events on campus. How are Hohenheim students...more

New High-Tech Greenhouse [05.10.2021]

Climate change, biodiversity, world nutrition, bioenergy, renewable raw materials, plant health: the scientists at the University of Hohenheim are dealing with these and other future topics in a new high-tech research greenhouse. The Phytotechnical Center in the west of the campus was officially handed over to the University of Hohenheim today. It replaces technically...more

University Plans Courses on Campus [20.07.2021]

Is it worth getting a room in Stuttgart in the fall? This question is on the minds of many students and prospective students at the moment. The message from the University of Hohenheim is: Yes! In the winter semester, there will again be a greater number of face-to-face courses. The Senate confirmed this goal in a declaration of intent on Wednesday. However, there are still...more

More Insect Meadows [01.07.2021]

The campus of the University of Hohenheim is considered the most species-rich in the state. This is mainly due to the extensive grounds of the Hohenheim Gardens with a low mowing cycle. A contrast to this, however, used to be the "tidy" lawns around the buildings. This is not exactly insect-friendly - and therefore does not fit in with the message that researchers at the...more

JBT donates about € 9000 [01.07.2021]

Implement projects efficiently? They can do that. Dealing with the corona blues? Not really their thing. Instead, they prefer to get active themselves and make a contribution to fighting the pandemic. Since many of the Junior Business Team's consulting projects were temporarily on hold or had to be moved to digital spaces, the students converted their vacant offices at...more

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