Alumni Profiles

Hohenheim alumni introduce themselves


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€500,000 for Hohenheim Startup [30.10.2019]

The most sustainable start-up in Germany comes from Hohenheim! Three Hohenheim Master's students and their startup Spoontainable convinced the expert jury at the WIWIN AWARD in Berlin yesterday evening with their edible ice cream spoon made from high-fiber food fibers that are a by-product of food processing. Spoontainable thus receives a guaranteed investment of 500,000 euros.more

Why Are You Demonstrating? [30.10.2019]

"Everyone in front of the Palace! No more underfunding!": The yellow banners are already hanging - after the student demonstration last week, employees and students of the University of Hohenheim want to fly the flag together at the nationwide action day on 30 October. Demonstrations have been announced in 8 cities throughout the state. The president of the University of...more

305 new homes [22.10.2019]

Just in time for the start of the winter semester, the last renovation work on the new residence hall at Welfenstraße 80 was completed - and 52 students are currently moving into their new homes. Last winter semester, 153 students moved into two of the three houses of the newly built residential complex at Egilolfstraße 41-45. House 3 with 100 additional rooms was completed at...more

Students Call for Funding [22.10.2019]

"End underfunding": Approximately 3,500 students from Baden-Württemberg demonstrated in Stuttgart today in support of adequate funding for universities. The state's current offer is far from sufficient. Also present: the student body of the University of Hohenheim and President Stephan Dabbert. They are warming up for a nationwide day of action on 30 October. more

System Accreditation [18.10.2019]

Since the Bologna reform, universities have been obligated to subject their degree programs to regular quality checks. To date, the Hohenheim faculties have commissioned external agencies to carry out accreditation checks on all degree programs. In future, however, the University intends to take quality management into its own hands. It hopes that this will lead to more...more

Welcome to Hohenheim! [11.10.2019]

A week of trying out research, refreshing your math, getting to know the campus, and making new contacts: seven days before the start of the lecture period, the University of Hohenheim is inviting you for the first time to an orientation week covering all faculties. The goal: To give all first-year students a good start to a successful degree program.more

"Save the bees" petition [11.10.2019]

Bavaria has shown how it's done: The petition for a referendum "Save the bees" was the most successful in the state's history and is now to become a law exactly as written. Since Tuesday, a petition for a referendum under the same name has also been running in Baden-Württemberg. But the demands to stop the death of insects go far beyond the Bavarian model. The resistance of...more

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