Alumni Profiles

Hohenheim alumni introduce themselves


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Global Climate Strike [30.09.2019]

Today, hundreds of thousands of people in almost 600 German cities followed the call of the Fridays for Future movement to increase pressure regarding climate policy. Worldwide, 5,000 protest actions are expected. Numerous people from Hohenheim have also taken part in the campaign in Stuttgart.more

Summer School 2019! [11.10.2019]

From Yemen to Japan: With international Bachelor's and Master's students from various disciplines, this year's Humboldt reloaded Summer School was dedicated to the main focus of research and teaching at the University of Hohenheim: Bioeconomy and how it could change the world. For 8 days they learned from each other and discussed the topic with experts from research and...more

Easy start to studies [30.09.2019]

The first weeks are often crucial to student success because those who feel welcome are usually particularly motivated. Initial gaps in knowledge, e.g. in mathematics, can often be closed with some support before they become a problem. Early insights into research can also awaken students' research spirit right from the start of their studies. These and other goals are pursued...more

Unis Sound Alarm [30.09.2019]

Keeping things as they are is no longer sufficient. Universities and colleges in Baden-Württemberg fear a noticeable loss of quality and a reduction in the number of university places if the state does not end the current underfunding. In fact, however, the Ministry of Finance is currently even calling for cuts in science and higher education. At the state press conference...more

Your VS Contribution [02.08.2019]

Every semester, all students pay their semester fees to the university. Part of this fee also goes to the Student Body (VS). The Student Parliament (StuPa) has decided to increase the fee for the start of the current summer semester from €10 to €12.50. In a guest article, the student representatives explain what the money is used for. more

Teaching Prize Winner [24.07.2019]

Bringing theory to life with current examples, motivating students to think for themselves with activating methods, building bridges between research and teaching: this is the didactic approach of Dr. Catharina Vögele from the Department of Communication Science: Communication Theory. And her concept is well-received by students. At the suggestion of the Fachschaft, the...more

Internationalization: No. 1 in BaWü [24.07.2019]

Study and research networks, an international center, lively exchanges between lecturers and students: In the opinion of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), the University of Hohenheim is the most active university in the state when it comes to its international orientation. This is reflected in the DAAD's current funding atlas. In the atlas, the DAAD lists which...more

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