Alumni Profiles

Hohenheim alumni introduce themselves


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Hohenheim flies European flag [21.05.2019]

May 26 is the day of the European elections. Under the motto "Education Knows No Borders - Vote Europe", universities all over Germany are calling for students to vote in the elections. Concerns about a growing influence of populist and nationalist forces are behind the move. At the University of Hohenheim, around one hundred students, employees, and the student group ISO sent...more

New: European Master "Food Systems" [02.05.2019]

Do you like to travel? Do you have an entrepreneurial spirit? Are you interested in innovations for a consumer-oriented and sustainable food sector? Then the new European Master's program "Food Systems", which combines agricultural and food sciences, could be exactly the right choice for you. The novel degree program is a cooperation project among 6 European partner...more

Federal prize for "Bodenschätze" [02.05.2019]

"This is the Oscar for food savers," said Federal Minister Julia Klöckner, summarizing what the "Too Good to Throw Away" award is all about. At the awards ceremony in Berlin on Wednesday, the Minister presented awards to a total of 7 outstanding ideas and innovations for reducing food waste. The project "Bodenschätze" - a cooperation project between the Gemüsehof Hörz in...more

No Further Decline in International Student Numbers [15.04.2019]

In the second year after the introduction of tuition fees for international students from non-EU countries, the slump in new enrollments seems to have stopped nationwide. In the winter semester 2018/19, the number of new enrollments at the University of Hohenheim was about the same as in the year before the fees. This also applies to students from the group of the poorest...more

Changing Approaches in Teaching [12.06.2019]

The universities face a number of teaching challenges: The cohorts are getting smaller, the competition with other universities bigger, the student body more heterogeneous, and the tasks of the universities more diverse. Anyone who wants to position themselves as an attractive place to study in the future should also take advantage of the opportunities offered by digitization....more

Er optimiert Tierzuchtprogramme – nicht nur in Afrika [14.01.2019]

Ob Milchvieh in Ruanda, Kenia, Uganda Äthiopien und Malawi oder Ziegen in Äthiopien und Südafrika – Prof. Dr. Mizeck Chagunda stammt nicht nur aus Afrika, der Kontinent stellt bis heute einen Schwerpunkt seiner Arbeit dar.more

Rektorat gibt Bioökonomie-Buch heraus [19.09.2017]

Wie könnte sich eine auf natürlichen Rohstoffen basierte Wirtschaft gesellschaftlich und ökonomisch entwickeln? Die wissenschaftlichen Mitglieder des Rektorats der Uni Hohenheim haben dazu ein Grundlagenwerk herausgegeben, das den aktuellen Stand der Bioökonomie-Forschung zusammenfasst. Das interdisziplinäre Buch, das im Springer-Verlag erschienen ist, dient als Grundlage für...more

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My path to a start-up

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My path to academia

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