Alumni Profiles

Hohenheim alumni introduce themselves


Career paths  |  My path to start-up  |  My path to science

Where is Hohenheim heading? [11.06.2019]

Where does the University of Hohenheim want to be in 5 years - and where is it today? What makes the "Hohenheimer Spirit" so special? This is the theme of a new brochure entitled "Strategy 2018-2022 - Bioeconomy and Digital Transformation". The Online Courier had a chat with University President Stephan Dabbert over a cup of coffee about the University's plans for the future. more

Hohenheim Continues Cycling [11.06.2019]

Bicycle instead of car: Thanks to e-bikes, you can relax through ups and downs - or take on a sporting challenge with an extra round across the fields? Three Hohenheim employees report in the Online Courier on their transition o biking and their daily journey to the University. You can now find more route tips or contribute your own on a new topic page on the University...more

Combining Medicine and AI [28.05.2019]

Actually, she's a nutritionist. Prof. Dr. Melina Claußnitzer uses computer-based models to investigate the genetic causes of metabolic diseases. She is now head of the Department of Nutrition Science in Hohenheim. more

Most Beautiful University [29.05.2019]

Those who study or work here already know it, but now it's official: Hohenheim has the most beautiful university campus in Germany. This is the result of a survey conducted by the evaluation portal StudyCheck, in which more than 20,000 students from all over Germany took part. If you look at all other types of higher education institutions in addition to universities,...more

Hohenheim flies European flag [21.05.2019]

May 26 is the day of the European elections. Under the motto "Education Knows No Borders - Vote Europe", universities all over Germany are calling for students to vote in the elections. Concerns about a growing influence of populist and nationalist forces are behind the move. At the University of Hohenheim, around one hundred students, employees, and the student group ISO sent...more

New: European Master "Food Systems" [02.05.2019]

Do you like to travel? Do you have an entrepreneurial spirit? Are you interested in innovations for a consumer-oriented and sustainable food sector? Then the new European Master's program "Food Systems", which combines agricultural and food sciences, could be exactly the right choice for you. The novel degree program is a cooperation project among 6 European partner...more

Federal prize for "Bodenschätze" [02.05.2019]

"This is the Oscar for food savers," said Federal Minister Julia Klöckner, summarizing what the "Too Good to Throw Away" award is all about. At the awards ceremony in Berlin on Wednesday, the Minister presented awards to a total of 7 outstanding ideas and innovations for reducing food waste. The project "Bodenschätze" - a cooperation project between the Gemüsehof Hörz in...more

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My path to academia

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