Alumni Profiles

Hohenheim alumni introduce themselves


Career paths  |  My path to start-up  |  My path to science

How Nutrition Influences Cancer [18.03.2020]

Cancer research is his passion: Prof. Dr. Dr. Sascha Venturelli investigates what hops or vitamin C have to do with tumor diseases. Since October of last year, he has been head of the Department of Nutritional Biochemistry at the University of Hohenheim. more

Tropical Cloud Research [28.02.2020]

How fast will global warming progress in the coming decades? A decisive factor for this has hardly been researched so far: tropical fair weather clouds, which form over the ocean day after day in the trade-wind regions near the equator and act as a cooling protective shield for the atmosphere. If the cloud cover were to become thinner under the influence of climate change,...more

Comparing Landscapes [27.02.2020]

Whether it's palm trees for producing oil in Sumatra, vanilla in Madagascar, or the surroundings of the world's giant metropolises: Prof. Dr. Ingo Graß takes a close look at agricultural landscapes. Since October of last year, he has been the director of the Department of Ecology of Tropical Agricultural Systems at the University of Hohenheim. more

Robot Learns to Care for Orchards [27.02.2020]

113,000 euros for a special project: Dr. David Reiser, an agricultural engineer from Hohenheim, will benefit in the coming years from the BW Foundation's elite program for postdocs. He plans to use the money to develop an agricultural robot that independently prunes fruit trees on meadows. In the future, the small, autonomous helpers could contribute to the conservation of...more

Store Furniture & Other Items [28.02.2020]

At some point, it happens to almost every student: You want to go abroad or do an internship in another city, clean up your room, and the question of how to stow the furniture arises. Sven Orbach, who studied economics at Hohenheim, was also looking for a solution for this problem. He subsequently founded the start-up "".more

How Work Changes [12.02.2020]

Keyword work 4.0: Digitization is changing the working world. This is one of the research areas of Prof. Dr. Caroline Ruiner. She has been head of the Department of Sociology since October 2019. more

Local Food Marketing [12.02.2020]

Show where it comes from: This can be a very effective marketing strategy for food products that want to win over consumers with regional products, special quality, or fair working conditions. How a portrait photo of the producer and further information about production on the product packaging is perceived by consumers was investigated by students in the Humboldt reloaded...more

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