Alumni Profiles

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Ball under the Harvest Crown [24.07.2019]

Celebrate a glamorous evening and experience Hohenheim Palace in all its glory: This happens once a year at the Ball under the Harvest Crown - this year on 12 October. The tickets for the fanciest university party of the year are always in high demand. As of Monday (15 July), students and employees can secure their tickets. more

"Permanently end underfunding" [24.07.2019]

A decrease of 34% since the turn of the millennium - that is how the real development of funds available to the state universities per student can be summed up. According to a recent statement adopted today by the University of Hohenheim Senate, the money is lacking for training future specialists as well as for essential research and the promotion of innovation in order to...more

Excellent Study Conditions [09.07.2019]

According to Times Higher Education (THE) Europe Teaching Rankings, the study conditions at the University of Hohenheim are among the best in Germany. In the second edition of the ranking, the University of Hohenheim defended its nationwide Top Ten ranking with an eighth place. The best placed university in Germany is the University of Heidelberg.more

StuPa demands solution [09.07.2019]

At the beginning of the semester, the university rededicated a large part of the rooms in the KIM learning center (former phytomedicine ) as offices. The reason: an acute shortage of space due to construction measures. The loss of 16 group work rooms is particularly serious for the students. The earliest replacement in sight is 2021/22. Then the learning center will reopen at...more

Climate Protests Overdue [02.07.2019]

Young people in the "Fridays for Future" movement have succeeded in doing what climate researchers have failed to do in recent decades: Putting the climate crisis at the top of the political agenda. The renowned Hohenheim climate researcher Prof. Dr. Volker Wulfmeyer considers the "Fridays for Future" movement to be overdue and also sees his own profession as having a duty:...more

How does Generation Z think? [25.06.2019]

Relevant? Or bullshit? Generation Z mercilessly sorts out information in the flood of social media. And they also have their own ideas about jobs and careers. However, many companies have not yet understood this and therefore find it difficult to reach the young target group at all, believes Hohenheim Wiwi student Paul Reichardt. With his consulting start-up agenZy he wants to...more

Research-based learning today [25.06.2019]

Research-based learning has been practiced in Germany for almost 50 years. The objective has remained the same - but the conditions have changed radically. In the 1970s, students appreciated bringing professors down from the holy lectern. Today, research-based learning can create freedom in tightly scheduled Bologna curricula. At the same time, it prepares students for a...more

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My path to a start-up

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My path to academia

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