There is now a lot to smell and taste in Hohenheim: The new Department of Flavor Chemistry has been under the leadership of Junior Professor Dr. Yanyan Zhang since 1 July. She is dedicated in particular to researching quality and safety control by aroma analysis in food and other related fields, bioflavor production by microorganisms, and development of novel beverages with...more
Fewer imports, less fertiliser, more sustainability - there are good reasons for expanding the cultivation of pulses in Europe. Up to the present, the valuable protein-rich plants are cultivated in very few areas. The EU project TRUE with partners from 10 countries wants to change that. Researchers from the University of Hohenheim are part of the project. They are examining...more
There are three essential conditions for further developing the bioeconomy as a sustainable alternative to fossil oil: sustainable products with strong market potential, a reliable and affordable supply of sustainably produced biomass, and a better link between biomass producers and the processing industry. Other important factors include avoiding competition with food...more
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