Anniversary Donation Action

Donation action “1,000 meals - ShareTheMeal” enables micro-donations via cell phone / Action “Hohenheim helps Indonesia” ties in to the history of the University’s founding.

Share the Meal: 1,000 meals

This call for donations is also linked to the University’s founding mission of fighting hunger. It was initiated by the student group IAAS (International Association of Students in Agricultural and Related Sciences).

Until the end of the anniversary year, the group wants to fund over 1,000 meals. Small donations are also possible. A meal for a child in Yemen, Syria, or other conflict areas can be funded with 40 cents - much less than the price of a meal in the Mensa.

Donations can be made quickly and easily using the app “ShareTheMeal“ from the UN World Food Programme. Important: After downloading the app, each donation can be assigned to a group or action. The hashtag for the IAAS action is #Hohenheim. It is also possible to share the donation on social media to tell friends about the app.

Information donation app and download

Donations for Indonesia

200 years ago, the eruption of the volcano Tambora caused massive destruction in Indonesia and later devastating famines in southern Germany. This event in 1818 led to the founding of the University of Hohenheim. Its founding mission was to combat hunger. This is a mission it continues to pursue today.

In the anniversary year, the University is focusing especially on the suffering of those affected once again by natural catastrophes in Indonesia: On 28 September 2018, a severe earthquake on the Sulawesi caused a tsunami with waves reaching six meters in height.

The University of Hohenheim called for donations, with which many people supported the activities of the Red Cross on Sulawesi: A total of € 4,169 was donated.

The Red Cross is still active in the crisis region, and donations are therefore still welcome.

  • Bank transfer

    Donation account German Red Cross
    IBAN DE63 3702 0500 0005 0233 07
    KEYWORD: Tsunami Sulawesi

  • Direct transfer

    DRK donation site