Johannsen Bioeconomy Award

Every year the "Bioeconomy Award," donated by Mrs. Marion Johannsen, is presented. It is intended to support students in writing their Master's thesis on the bioeconomy. It is awarded for the presentation of an innovative concept for a research project in a subject area of the bioeconomy and is intended to support its implementation. A prerequisite for application is a written declaration of consent from the supervisor of the final thesis for submitting the concept idea.

Award-giverMarion Johannsen
ApplicantsMaster's students in any of Hohenheim’s faculties and degree program who are in the planning phase for carrying out their Master's thesis.
Nomination rightsSelf-nomination or the thesis supervisor
Amount of award€ 2,000, divisible
Frequency of awardAnnually, on the occasion of the Dies academicus

Please find the criteria and detailed information in the call for applications (PDF, 375 kB).

Further information from theFront Office of the Executive Management Office

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