CareerCenter News

Newsletter of the CareerCenter

Would you like to be informed weekly by email about the event program of the CareerCenter Hohenheim and further information on the subject of careers/internships?

In our online database (by JobTeaser) you can find offers for full-time positions, internships, and part-time job. If you would like to receive our newsletter, please simply register with your Hohenheim account at JobTeaser.

JobTeaser registration for students/employees 

JobTeaser registration for alumni

Follow us on ...

the University of Hohenheim CareerCenter’s social media channels.

We use these channels to inform you promptly about events and seminars that are useful for your career start.



... for students:
+49 711 459-23598

... for companies:
+49 711 459-22066

Follow us on



Office hours (on-site) for brief questions and issues:
Tues 1–2 p.m. and Thurs 10–11 a.m.

Individual advising appointment:
Arrange an advising appointment with us online (via job teaser “Beratungstermine”) or by email:

An appointment via Zoom is also possible