Recorder ensemble

The Recorder Ensemble was set up in 1990 by Beate Temper. Daniela Schüler took over as Director in 1999 and, as a trained musician, brought new energy to the Ensemble.

Today's Ensemble members aim to perform other works of jazz, pop and modern music, in addition to the traditional repertoire of Renaissance and Baroque music. In order to demonstrate the diverse musical versatility of the instrument, the Ensemble also plays in a variety of choral and solo ensembles. The more conventional ensemble, consisting of soprano, alto, tenor and bass recorder, is also combined at times with great bass and sub-base recorders.

Recorder Ensemble concerts take place twice a year at the University of Hohenheim, and these are of great interest to the public at large. Unusually large ensembles can also perform with other friendly recorder ensemble groups.

DirectionDaniela Schüler
RehearsalThursday (during the lecture period)
7 - 8.30 p.m.
lecture hall 20, building 03.33 | Garbenstraße 12 (ground floor)
HomepageRecorder ensemble