Labelling hazardous substances

All chemicals are subject to classification and labelling obligations to being placed on the market. By identifying hazardous substance attributes and labelling danger symbols, people and the environment are to be protected against negative effects when handling chemicals.

The GHS (Globally Harmonized System) is the worldwide effort to create a uniform system to classify and label chemicals.

The hazard classes describe the type of danger

  • 16 hazard classes for physical properties
  • 10 hazard classes for human health
  • 1 hazard class for the environment (hazardous to waterways)

The hazard classes are divided into hazard categories according to their potential for danger.

28 pictograms indicate the respective hazardous properties.

They are complemented by

  • two possible signal words (“Danger”, “Caution”)
  • H statements = Hazard information (hazard statements)
    List of hazard information
  • P statements = safety information (precautionary statements)

Please see the contents of the labelling for hazardous substances used:

  • Chemical register
  • New operating instructions
  • Manufacturer information
  • Poster H and P statements l Download
    You can order this poster as an A0 print to hang in the laboratories from the Occupational Safety Expert.

Note: The stated subtitles are not part of the pictogram but have only an explainatory function in this case.


GHS 01

GHS 03

GHS 04

GHS 05

GHS 09

ExplosiveOxidizing agentCompressed gasAcidic l corrosive

GHS 02: Pictograms “flammable”

FlammableEasily flammableExtremely flammableSelf-igniting
GHS 06: Contamination "toxic"
ToxicLife-Threatening Danger
GHS 07: Pictograms “exclamation mark”
Harmful to healthDamages the organsAllergizing
in contact with skin
Irritating Anaesthetizing
GHS 08: Pictograms “Health hazard”
CMR substance cat. 1CMR substance cat. 2Damages the organsAllergizing
when inhaled
Lethal if swallowed
Signal words

Please refer to the corresponding operating instructions for the required pictograms and signal words.

Labels of reagent bottles and chemical containers

Containers with hazardous content have to be marked with a label that includes all required information.

You can create these labels with the aid of the Word template on your own and order them at the KIM as self-adhesive labels. The Occupational Health and Safety Department covers the costs.

Please note that the original information of the manufacturer (physical data of the chemical substance on the labels) may not be changed or covered. The focus is on transitioning to the GHS system, which means “only” replacing the H and P statements as well as the danger pictograms.

Word templates for hazardous substance labels:

large pack

small pack

Download of the pictograms necessary via \\AFS\\home\hosseinz\sifa\

The label includes  3 pictograms in the following hierarchical order:

  • Position 1: Symbol for acute toxicity
  • Position 2: Symbol for CMR attribute or additional symbol for acute toxicity
  • Position 3: Symbol for physico-chemical attributes

Special case: Reagent bottles in laboratories

A simplified labelling system is applied for reagent bottles in laboratories.

List of modified danger symbols for reagent bottles in laboratories

Pictogram sticker

You can order the required pictogram sticker for the labelling of the hazardous substances needed via the order form. The Occupational Safety Expert that also assumes the costs.

Ordering pictogram stickers